Firearms, Hunting, and Outdoor lifestyle


Welcome to American Arms Channel. This channel serves as a platform to share experiences in the field chasing wild game and inciteful reviews on firearms, gear, and ammo. If you like what you have seen, hit the subscribe button and notification bell to stay up to date on all my latest hunts and reviews. Detailed viewer questions and private conversations, as well as industry contacts regarding product evaluations and reviews may be made at Check out our Wordpress blog at You can also find American Arms Channel on these Social Media Platforms: Facebook - Bitchute - UGEtube - As always, God Bless and Keep Your Powder Dry

Chest Thumper Outdoors


Chest Thumper Outdoors is all about sharing my passion for bowhunting, archery, and the outdoors with you, my friends. It started at 13, I was flipping through channels on a Sunday morning and I happened on a hunting show. No one in my family hunted, it wasn't an idea I was familiar with at all, but that 30-minute time slot ignited a passion inside of me that will never be extinguished. Fast forward 5 years and Chest Thumper Outdoors is born. We've made some changes over the years, had some growing pains, and took some time coming into our own and really finding our own way of doing things. We may not be perfect, but we go outside, we hunt, solely for the love of it all. I hope we can help spark your passion and keep that fire burning. Thank you so much for watching.

Outdoor Adventures, gear review's, survival techniques, and more!


In this channel we will explore the Cherokee National Forest and surrounding areas. I use many different types of recording equipment including Drones! We will review gear, discuss survival techniques, and explore camping areas around the Ocoee National Forest. If you like what you see then please subscribe to my channel. Also leave a comment in the videos and let me know what you would like to see next. Thank you!!