One New Man, A TJCII Documentary Series


This docuseries explores a groundbreaking initiative that has been working towards unifying Jews and Christians in the body of Messiah around the world, as well as reconciliation between Christian denominations. This series explores the decision that opened the floodgates for salvation to reach the gentile world, the eventual rejection of the Jewish part of the church by the gentiles, and the rise of replacement theology and antisemitism that led to some of the greatest atrocities in history. It also investigates the reemergence of Messianic Judaism and how this initiative of Towards Jerusalem Council II is not just bring reconciliation to the body of Christ, but also moving entire nations and nation leaders to repentance for atrocities done to the Jewish people during the Holocaust.

Welcome to the Attractive Men channel!


Welcome to the Attractive Men Youtube channel! We created this channel to give you the best self development , dating , relationship , communication and social skills advice , so you can become the most Attractive man possible towards beatiful women but also any social interaction! We give you also self development advice such as : , how to become the most Attractive man , how to become an alpha male, dating and relationship advice for men, how to build confidence, traits of Attractive Men, how to attract women and more If you found our content useful , feel free to like , comment , share and Subscribe! The Best Self-Development , Dating , Relationships , Communication And Social Skills Youtube Channel Advice For Men ! We created this youtube channel for men searching answers to questions such as : - How to become an Attractive man - How to become an A Male - How to be the most Attractive person - How to become Attractive to women - How to be the best version of yourself - How to improve your dating life - How to improve your social and communication skills



My name is Meikitamemo and welcome to my Gaming channel. On this channel will i upload all current completed games. This will not include the content that will get redo's , due to a quality upgrade , being in-complete or still in progress. This is to ensure that this channel will not go through all the REDO's like it's happening on my YouTube channel. It is important to note though: Due to stroage space and the backing up of all the content , i cannot offer higher quality content then 1080p. Currently got 22TB of recording data and it won't be long before it's full and thus require extra SSD's for storage. [Playlists] Zelda Ocarina of Time Playlist: Beyond Good & Evil Playlist: Gothic I (Servant of Beliar) Playlist: Gothic Playable Teaser Playlist: Risen Commandant of the Don Playlist: Need for Speed Underground I Playlist: Note: Heya guys , you might have noticed that i stopped uploading! This is only for a short time! I am working on getting my game vault back up and running. Which requires a bit time due to layout. As soon as the Gaming Vault has been made for Ocarina of Time , BG&E & NFS Underground I will i continue to upload. This is to ensure i do not get behind on the gaming vault. But i will note i am currently a bit struggling when it comes to the layout of the Gaming Vault. Why do i need a gaming vault? To ensure i got a place to place all the 'default' game tags and chapters for others to re-use :)

Memória E.M.E.F.M. "Professor Derville Allegretti"


Dedicado a Memória dos Alunos e Ex-Alunos da Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental e Médio "Professor Derville Allegretti", para registros de épocas diferentes, dos Cursos Técnicos e demais trabalhos e momentos do Ensino Fundamental. Aberto a Colaboração, Sugestão e Possível Participação dos Professores, Ex-Professores, Funcionários e Ex-Funcionários da Escola que tenham interesse em participar. Caso tenha interessa em enviar seu vídeo ou divulgar seu canal, entre em contato. Obrigado pela Visita. Idealizado por Guilherme Ettiene, turma de Mercadologia B de 1999, em dezembro de 2020.

Ayrton Senna da Silva - Memória


Canal dedicado a Memória do Esportista Ayrton Senna da Silva, conhecido popularmente por Ayrton Senna, nascido em São Paulo em 21 de março de 1960 - San Marino, 1º de maio de 1994. O piloto brasileiro de Fórmula 1 foi campeão da categoria três vezes em 1988, 1990 e 1991. Começou sua carreira competindo no kart em 1973 e em "carros de fórmula" em 1981, quando venceu as Fórmulas Ford 1600 e 2000. Em 1983 alcançou o título de campeão do Campeonato Britânico de Fórmula 3 batendo vários recordes. Seu desempenho impulsionou sua ascensão à Fórmula 1, fazendo sua primeira aparição na categoria no Grande Prêmio do Brasil de 1984 pela equipe Toleman-Hart. Em sua primeira temporada, Senna pontuou em cinco corridas, fechando o ano com treze pontos e a nona posição na classificação geral dos pilotos. No ano seguinte, ingressou na Lotus-Renault, pela qual venceu seis grandes prêmios ao longo de três temporadas. Aqui você poderá encontrar momentos do Esporte e da Vida, Documentários, Frases, Reflexões, Lições e Legado Cultural.