67 FollowersBlog Lei Islâmica em Ação (
66 FollowersMais do que uma religião, o Islã é uma doutrina ideológica completa, que rege os aspectos da vida de muçulmanos e não-muçulmanos. O Islã é a única "religião" com uma teologia com regras para a conquista e subjugação dos ‘não muçulmanos’, consolidadas na Lei Islâmica, a Sharia. O objetivo do Islã é implementar a Sharia em todo o mundo. *** NÃO QUEREMOS SHARIA NO BRASIL. ***
66 FollowersLovevolution Foundation is a globally active Hawaiian-based 501 C3 public educational charity. Together with community leaders, organizations that are earth conscious, and inspired thinkers of our time, we are co-authoring inspired live events and innovative multimedia. We use ‘edutainment’ to engage people in a fun and intelligent way on real world issues such as: the environment, social justice, peace advocacy, and creative self actualization. To donate time, money, energy or other resources to Lovevolution Foundation visit us online at This channel’s focus is Literati, which means a literary people, or people who’ve lived lives worth writing about. We offer an audience with the great influencers, & a conversation with the finest minds from across the centuries. Outstanding women and men whose contribution & thought-power has made humanity & the world better as a whole. Literati is a lifestyle! We invite you to join the conversation that transcends words.
All things Sasquatch
66 FollowersReviews of books, gear, etc, business updates, and Lyme Disease Journey
MicahSoft Gaming
66 FollowersCome with me, on a Journey into the Gaming World! to show you my Passion for Old, and New Games alike! on this Page, I will be posting Let's Plays of games, Unboxings, and Some odds and end videos of fixing broken games, and consoles! I hope you all enjoy!
Alternativa Democrática Nacional
66 FollowersPoliticalGamer
65 Followersinternational politics
65 FollowersIsupportPresidentTrump AndQAnon.
The Skeptical Partisan
65 FollowersFaith, Scriptures, Music and News and Commentary
Crippy Rob "The Political Pothead"
65 FollowersCannabis Connoisseur - Political Pothead - Cannabis Convict My name is Robert AKA Crippy Rob. I am not a Crip and I am not crippled. ‘Crippy’ is a cannabis strain. I am a Christian, a husband, and father. I was indicted and convicted of conspiracy to manufacture marijuana in 2012. I’m a Florida Medical Cannabis Card holder. As a passionate cannabis advocate, the goal of my channel is to make cannabis legalization a mainstream part of the conservative movement. I want to raise awareness and FUCK THE CURRENT 🇺🇸 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CANNABIS LAWS.
65 FollowersPoliticalGamerz
64 FollowersPracticalPrepTX
62 Followerstacticalhomestead
62 FollowersErotica Lust
61 FollowersErotic-themed audio short stories, featuring topics such as BDSM, threesomes and cuckolding.
TN Tactical
61 FollowersThe actual TN Tactical channel from Youtube. I shoot. I drop test. I also sometimes LARP
61 FollowersFun Facts and Piratical Mayhem
61 FollowersA dose of important information and stuff that is just fun or weird.
Practical Wisdom - Interesting Ideas
60 FollowersSharing knowledge and wisdom on the internet 🌍
The Rant
60 FollowersPolitical commentary about social issues, political viewpoints, and other topics relative to politics.
60 FollowersHeretical Sedition
59 FollowersThe content of this channel is dedicated to the collapsing Democracy of doomed European Sweden; who allowed me to speak freely, even though I was it's enemy. _______ A collection of random videos showcasing BDSM/Gender Neutral post-Queer commentary as well as perspectives and narratives from diverse Non-Conformist and Social Revolutionary political/meta-political/para-political viewpoints such as: Queer Nationalism; Marxist-Trotskyism; Marxist-Leninism; Neo-Maoism, Right Marxism (National Bolshevism); Juche Idea; Anarcho-Syndicalism / Anarchist-Communist (AnCom); Anarcho-Capitalism (AnCap); Neo-Situationist (N-SITU); Nouvelle Droite / New Right; Dissident National-Anarchism (D-NATAN); Dark MAGA, Prophetic Press (, and Mormon Worker (Mormon Anarchist). I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT claim any authority. I am only an ant in the forest, the voice of nobody in the wilderness. Disclaimer: Under United States, United Kingdom, Australian and Canadian copyright law I am allowed to quote material from purposes of informing, education or parody. Plagiarism means using someone else's work without giving them proper credit. In all my videos I cite the sources and provide links to the sources. I am primarily, but not exclusively, a reviewer of political and theological ideas / concepts, articles, films, TV series, Tarot decks, Occult arcane and books. My intention is to bring visibility to non-conformist content makers whose "voices in the wilderness" are ignored or marginalized in the so-called "mainstream" (specially as it relates to social revolutionary politics or heretical theology). # The objective of this channel is to serve as a platform for free expression of social revolutionary viewpoints based on Articles 18 & 19 of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Content in this channel is inspired by metamodern and post-metamodern aesthetics. My intended audience are religious & political non conformists and social outcasts - not the general public. Most viewers of this channel are anonymous. My intention is to encourage innovation in non-conformist revolutionary politics & concept development. Since Rumble is a Free Speech platform; I also want to develop content for Rumble through the responsible exercise of articles 18, 19 and 20 of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and advocacy for Articles 1, 2 & 5 of the U.S. Bill of Rights of 1791, Articles 10 and 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2012); as well as Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms / Charte canadienne des droits et libertés of 1982 covering "Fundamental freedoms": freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of belief & freedom of expression. Article 10 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: (1.) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance. (2.) The right to conscientious objection is recognized, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of this right. Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: (1.) Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. (2.) The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected. Article 18 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations 1948: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations 1948: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. This channel does not feature paid promotion. Channel Human Rights Disclaimer: --- Sweden Critical Weblog: # COOL CHANNELS I FOLLOW ON RUMBLE: (...the views expressed in the channels I follow are probably not the same as those I express on this channel...) (Mid-Western Marx) https://ru
59 FollowersJerrBearTactical
59 FollowersTactical Performance Center
57 FollowersTRAIN WITH US IN 2024! Shooting is both an art and a science. It uses the laws of physics, motor learning and behavior, and human psychology. Defensive shooting, in addition to the above, utilizes the laws of armed conflicts learned over many years. Our goals are to get you to think about your shooting performance, apply the principles of science, and peak performance to your shooting, and become aware of things you may not have known before or were really not applying correctly. “I am a strong believer in the philosophy of not only teaching strong principles and techniques but also teaching students to become self-aware of what they are doing and how they are doing it. Along with that is learning to analyze their performance of the skill and explore alternative ideas to find the best way for each individual.” - Ron Avery, Co-Founder of TPC
The Practical Shooter
57 FollowersWelcome to "The Practical Shooter" - USPSA competition shooting, with a focus on classifiers.
War HOGG Tactical
57 FollowersRick Hogg is the owner of War HOGG Tactical, Inc. and is a 29 year US Army Special Operation Combat Veteran that has taken his 13 combat deployment, both Iraq and Afghanistan, and teaching experience as a Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat instructor and harnessed them into a proven training methodology service company, War HOGG Tactical, Inc. North Carolina based War HOGG Tactical, Inc. offers professional comprehensive mobile firearms training, tactical training and K9 training to civilians, military and law enforcement agencies through combat proven techniques and experience to improve students skill ability. War HOGG also conducts product development and product field testing along with a variety of consulting services in the defense, firearms and entertainment / film industry. War HOGG Tactical also offers free law enforcement firearms training via our industry partners support. If you are interested in hosting a free law enforcement training course send us an email for more info.
Patriotic Alternative
56 FollowersPlay Your Part at
56 FollowersCritical Omissions
56 FollowersBorn in Taiwan and coming-of-age in San Francisco, Douglas Dietrich worked as both a Military Reference Technician and a Defence Department Research Librarian at the Presidio military base. Exposed to increasing levels of top secret and highly classified documents that were above his own security clearance, he was assigned to burn these but only did so under protest. Committing many of these to memory and taking notes, he has become a public informant since 2007. During the 1980's, he exposed massive sexual abuse against minors at the Presidio which ultimately resulted in the base being shut down and sold.His acumen and background in military research has led to Douglas being cited as the foremost expert in Asian geopolitics in the world. He currently hosts weekly broadcasts that are monitored closely by political interests across the globe. Mr. Dietrich was a Department of Defence Research Librarian for almost a decade, responsible for incinerating Highly Classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, Roswell, Viêt-Nam, and the different ethnic Holocausts; as well as documents exposing the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic warfare, and other occult phenomena. Volumes of notes on Tesla, H.P. Lovecraft, L. Ron Hubbard, the Vatican and United Nations were destroyed, along with reams of reports detailing everything from Military/Intelligence-sponsored drug-smuggling operations to experimental mind-control programs. Records plundered from both Allied and Enemy States articulated the hidden objectives of modern mass-movements such as Nat-Ƶism, Ƶionism, Iƶlamicism (Wähhä'bīst/Islamist Fundamentalism[s]), Vouhodouxnism ("Voodooism"), and other ideologies. His Post was San Francisco's Presidio, which was seething with Satanism, child abuse, and controversial medical experimentation. An Assassination Plot on Presidential Candidate William Clinton was even attempted. Since Base-Closure, his background in Military Reference and his experiences in Mercenary/Security Enforcement exposed him to startling insights into geopolitics, the current demographic apocalypse, and the Medical-Industrial Complex thanatizing our future. Weapons of Mass-Deception unleashed generations ago by increasingly self-deluded American Élites have since warped the U.S. Electorate's very perception of reality. Internationally Recognized Renegade Military Historian/Global Crisis Analyst, Author, and Motivational Speaker. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Foreignborn and Naturalized American M(iste)r Dietrich was a DoD (Department of Defense) Research Librarian for nigh-a-decade, Responsible for Incinerating Highly Classified Matériel(s) exposing the reality behind Ƶombi(e)s, Vampires, Soviet Psȳ́chic Warfare, and other Occult Phæinómæna; as well as destroying Documents on critical Historical Topics such as the all-too-many different Èthnoreligionational Holócausts in addition to suchlike pivotal Incidents in The Human Experience as The Japanese Preëmptive Strategic Surgical Strike On Pearl Harbour, The ‘Battle of Los Ángeles and The Roswell Atrocity, as well as Le Vingtième Siècle (“The Twentieth Century”) Wars for Việt-Nám (appositely The Three Indochinǽ Conflicts). His Post was San Francisco’s Presidio (literally “Military Base” in The Español [“Spanish”]), which was seething with Sēt’h-Theism (id est, Satanism), Child Abuse(s), and controversial Human and Animal Medical Experimentation(s) – indeed an Assassination on Then-Presidential Candidate WILLIAM-JEFFERSON CLINTON was even Attempted. Records plundered from both Enemy and Allied States articulated the hidden objectives of modern mass-movements such as Ƶionism, Voaujhodouonxism (“Voodooism”), “NAƵIsm (National[ist]-Socialism),” ‘Îƶlamicism (Wähhä’‘bīst-ʾإslāmist Fundamentalism), and other Ideologies. Along Incineration of reams of Reports detailing everything from Military / Intelligence-Sponsored Drug-Smuggling Operations to Interdepartmental Mind-Control Prógroammes were destroyed volumes of Notes pertaining to subjects ranging from Intranational Entities such as The UNO (United Nations Organization) and even The Vatican to “Individuals-of-Interest” inclusive NIKOLA TESLA, L. RON HUBBARD and HP LOVECRAFT. Since Forced Base-Closure of el Presidio viś-à-viś The Mr Dietrich’s Expositions, his Background in Military Information Warfare and his experiences in Mercenary / Security Enforcement have exposed him to startling insights into Geopolitics, the current Demographic Apocalypse, and The US MIMOENANISIC-COM (United States Military / Intelligence / Medical / Occult / Entertainment / Narcotics / Academic / Nuclear / Information / Science[s] / Industrial-Congressional COMplex) Junta Thánatizing our very Future. WMD’s (Weapons of Mass-Deception) unleashed Generations agone by increasingly Self-Deluded American Élites have since Warped The Taxpaying Electorate’s very Perception(s) of Reality – NOW Be The Time For TOTAL Disclosure. ————————————————————- DOUGLAS DUANE DIETRICH (Naturalized Citizen ‘o’ The USA [United States-‘o’-America; Condīta est 1776― / through-to] born a 中國人 [国家-普通话 / “Guójiā-Pǔtōnghuà,” literally The “National Common Tongue ‘o’ The Mandarins” or The “Mandarin-Chinese” Language, “ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén,” literally “Middle-Kingdom People’s,” id est “Chinese”] National ‘o’ 民族主義者的中華民國在臺灣一個百島 [Guójiā-Pǔtōnghuà / The “Mandarin-Chinese” Dialect, “Mínƶú-ƶhǔyì Ƶhě-dí ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuá-MíngkGHuóuá Ƶài T’áiwān Yī Gè Bǎi Dǎo,” or “República da China dos Nationaliasts, a em um cem Islhlas de Formosa” in The Pôrtuguês; or The “Nationalists’ Republic-‘o’-China on The One Hundred Islands-‘o’-Táiwān’;” Condīta est 1911―], b[irthed] 1966―aged 53 y[ea]rs ATDE [At-Time-‘o’-Data-Entry] East ‘o’ The ID [International Date]-Line [54 yrs-‘o’-age West ‘o’ The ID-Line, those birthed in Eastasia being considered a year-in-age delivered out-‘o’-the-womb]) was a US DOD (United States Department ‘O’ [the] Defense; C[ondīta] est 1947—) Military Research Librarian for nigh-on-a-decade, Responsible for Incinerating Highly Classified Matériel (sic : From La Français [“The French” Language], Supplies, Equipment and Weapons in Military / Commercial Supply-Chain Management context [inclusive Documentation] – in-disambiguation from mere Material[s]) Expositing the reality behind both Voaujhodouonx (Kreyòl Ayisyen [“Haïtian Creole”], “Voodoo”) Ƶombis and “Ƶombies (the appendage ‘o’ an ‘e’ into the term ‘Ƶombi’ denoting either the feral degenerate form[s] in-condition therefrom or otherwise generated DAPH’s [Decedent Ambulatory PRIONic Hosts] – the term “PRION” itself acronymous for PRoteinaceous Infectious iON : PRION’s being misfolded infectious proteins lacking a nucleic acid genome w[ith] the ability to transmit their misfolded shape onto normal variants ‘o’ the same protein that characterize several fatal and transmissible Neurodegenerative Diseases in Humans and many other Animals),” Ŵоаумпхыиеораи (Литургический Cлавянский [“Liturgicheskiy Slavyanskiy” or “Liturgical Slavonic”], “Ẅoaumphyieorai [literally ‘Blood Monsters’];” Anglocorrupted as “Vampires”), сЗоŵйётских (Русский [“Russkyij” or “Russian”], “sƵoŵjétskih [‘Soviet’];” ie [id est], “Collective”) Psȳ́chic Warfare, along other Occult(ed, ie Secured) Φαινόμενα (Ελληνική [“Ellīnikī́” or “Greek”], “Phæinómæna [‘Manifestations’]”), as well as destroying both Classified and Declassified Documents on critical Historical Topics such as the all-too-many different Èthnoreligious / National Ὁλόκαύσματσ (Ellīnikī́ [“Greek”], “Holókáfsmatà [‘Holócausts’];” lit[erally] Mass-“Sacrifices-by-Fire”), in addition to suchlike pivotal Incidents in The Human Experience as The 日本人 (日本語 [“Nīhõ̞ŋŋ-go̞” or The “Japanese Language”], “Nīpphônjīn [The ‘Japanese Peoples’]”) Preëmptive (sic) Strategic Surgical Strike On Pearl Harbour (Primarily WW―II [World War 2] 120841 : December 8th, 1941 [120741 : December 7th, 1941 East ‘o’ The International Dateline]), ロサンゼルスの戦い (Nīhõ̞ŋŋ-go̞ [The “Japanese Language”], “Rosanƶerusu-no-Tatakai [The ‘Battle ‘o’ Los Ángeles’];” WW―II 022442―022542 [February 24th—25th, 1942]) and ロズウェルの残虐行為 (Nīhõ̞ŋŋ-go̞, “Roƶū~eru-no-Ƶangyaku Kōi [The ‘Roswell Atrocity’];” WW―II, sic 070447―070747 [July 4th―7th, 1947]), as well as The Three Indochinǽ Conflicts (121941―102391 [December 19th, 1941-through-October 23rd, 1991]) – The Latter only concluding on The Seventy-Second Sólar Return ‘o’ Doug Dietrich’s own Late-and-Sainted Sire, The Three-War (Primarily WW―II : Proäctive Prosecution-‘o’-Hostilities Throughout Active Engagement[s]-Phase ‘o’ The Second World War In-Perpetuity [sic, see <DOUGLASDIETRICH.COM/2019/02/13/DOUGLAS-DIETRICH-ON-THE-HIDDEN-SIDE-OF-HISTORY-INTERVIEW-BY-NEXUS-MAGAZINE>] – The Jewish Declaration-‘o’-War On NAtionalsoƵIalistische Deutschland [“National-Socialist Germany,” sic : See “JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY” @ <>] : 032433 [March 24th, 1933]—[sic] and 大 きい東アジア太平洋戦争 [Nīhõ̞ŋŋgo̞, “Ōoki-i Higashi-ajia Taiheiyōusensōu” or The “Greater East-Asian Pacific War”] : 大日本帝國 [Nīhõ̞ŋŋ-go̞, “Daï Nīpphôn Teikoku,” or The “Empire ‘o’ Greater Japan”] v[ersu]s The UNO [United Nations Organization; Cest 010142 / January 1st, 1942—; Said Body Established as a United Frontal Anti-Axis Organization-‘o’-War, sic – as-per Article 42 ‘o’ The United Nations Charter – Onsite Mr Dietrich’s own Former Workplace : El Presidio In-Defense ‘o’ The City-and-County ‘o’ San Francisco, California, USA], Said Hostilities Commencing w / The Communist [sic, see “COLONEL EVANS-FORDYCE CARLSON : OUR MOST PATRIOTIC COMMUNIST” @ <>] USMC [United States Marine Corps; Cest 1775—] Terrorist Attack on 中-日本轴 [from 日本-普通话 / “Nīhõ̞ŋŋ-Pǔtōnghuà,” or the then-nascent Polycentric “Japanochinoíse” Language : The “Midnīpphôn – ie ‘Chinǽjaponoæís’ – Axis”] ĀN―DAY [平倭―日 / 天 : “Píng-WÂ―Hi / Tiān;” transliterally “ĀN―Sunlit Skytime” or “Pacificity Day;” conveying an Annal-Dated Manifestation ‘o’ Historically Significant Worldly Security, as was Scheduled for Concordat – “Agreement” between Church and Civil Authority, in this case between The Δηικρατία / “Dēicracy” or “God’s-Rule” Under 帝 / “Mikado” or The “God-Emperor” ‘o’ 大日本 / “Daï Nīpphôn” or “Greater Japan” and The Secular Nationalist Republic ‘o’ 中國 / “ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuá,” lit The “Middle Kingdom,” ie “China” – per Establishment ‘o’ 中-日本人轴 / “ƵChuṑnggnīpphônjīn-Ƶhóu” or The “Sino-Japanese People’s Axis”] on Ā―DAY 121237 [December 12th, 1937]―Cessation-‘o’-Hostilities : 042852 [April 28th, 1952], Nīpphônjīn & Anglo-American Allied Peace Treaty ‘o’ San Francisco Effective as Recognized by The UNO – w / Российская Федерация [Russkyij or “Russian,” “Rossijskaja Federacija” or The “Russian Federation;” Cest 1991—] still Legally In-State-‘o’-War Under [tentative] Conditions-‘o’-Ceasefire ’gainst 七 千の島々の大きい日本帝国 [Nīhõ̞ŋŋgo̞, “Shichi-senno Shima-no Ōoki-i i Nīpphôn-Teikoku” or The “Seven Thousand Islands ‘o’ The Greater Japanese Empire;” CeAChN : Condīta est Antechristum Natum; Latin, “Established Precedent Christóús’ Deliverance” Ca 02110660 / February 11th, 660 ANCÈ : Avant Notre Commonal Èræ; Français, “Prior Our Common Era” – here literally Founded “The Eleventh Date ‘o’ The Second Month, Six Hundred and Sixty Years Antecedent Time-‘o’-Christ”—]; The Last CAN [Combined Axis-‘o’-Nations; Cest 1940—sic] Holdfast on The Surface-World – and THE “Enemy State” ‘o’ ALL United Nations By UNO Definition being Douglas Dietrich’s own True Homeland-and-Heartland ‘o’ 民主法西斯 [Guójiā-Pǔtōnghuà or “Mandarin-Chinese,” “Mínƶhǔfǎxīsī” or “Fascidemocratic”] 民族主義者的中華民國 [Guójiā-Pǔtōnghuà, “Mínƶú-ƶhǔyì Ƶhě-dí ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuá-MíngkGHuóuá” or “República da China dos Nationaliasts”] as Reëstablished On 福爾摩沙 [Guójiāpǔtōnghuà, “Fúěr-Móshā” or “Formosa” from The Pôrtuguês – lit “Beautiful Island”], Secondarily KW―II [Korea War 2] : The Second[-and-Continuing, sic] Korean[-“American,” under United Nations Organizational Pretense] Conflict [Peninsular UNO “Peacekeeping Police-Action” In-Country : Daï Nīpphôn / “Greater Japan”-NEATO / Northeast-Asian Theater-‘o’-Operations]; Proäctive Prosecution-‘o’-Hostilities : 062550 [June 25th, 1950]―072753 [July 27th, 1953] w / The Twa Koreas still Legally In-State-‘o’-War Under [quite tentative] Conditions-‘o’-Ceasefire – The First Korean-[vs-]American War being The United States Invasion ‘o’ Said Peninsula C[a]1871 precepts Installation ‘o’ American Dictator DURHAM-WHITE STEVENS [b1851―decedent 1908; Assassinated, Killed Onsite San Francisco by Antiamerican Agents ‘o’ The Korean Resistance] and Tertiarilly VW―II “Việtnám War 2 [known as ‘The American War’ in Việt-Nám itself],” appositely The Second Indochinǽ Conflict [Communist Insurgency vs SEATO / Southeast Asian Treaty Organization COIN / COunterINsurgency], w / The First US Fatality In-Country : Việt-Nám being US OSS [United States Office ‘o’ Strategic Services; Cest 1942―1945] OFFICER LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ALBERT-PETER DEWEY [Assassinated By Việt-Minh Gᵫrrillas in Sài-Gòn; just prior his Death, Dewey had Filed Report on the deepening Crisis in Việt-Nam, Concluding In-Analysis that The US “— ought to clear out of Southeast Asia”] : 092645 [September 26th, 1945]—The Fall-‘o’-Sài-Gòn : 043075 [April 30th, 1975]) Veteran GEORGE JOSEPH HENRY DIETRICH, CPO [Chief Petty Officer], USN [United States Navy; Cest 1775—], RET[ired] – Rṓmãn-Catholic Conservative Sailor ‘o’ White-Numakiki Èthnicity and Euromandan-American Nationality, b102319 [October 23rd, 1919]—d[ecadent] 032607 [March 26th, 2007]; Thánatized – The Man Who Raised Douglas Dietrich sported ô’‘ēr-a-dozen Medals on His Uniform At-Time ‘o’ Inhumāre Obexsequiæ [Latin, Funerary Rites and Inhumation, id est Burial], having been Honorably Discharged from Active Duty To The US Constitutional Republic On-Serving Ô’‘ēr Thirty Years-‘o’-Service commencing w / Gunboat Patrol Duty in The Twilight Years ‘o’ 軍閥中國 [Guójiāpǔtōnghuà, “Jūnfá-ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuá,” literally The “Military Clique Middle Kingdom,” ie “Warlord-China”] C[irc]a 1936—1941). The M(iste)r Douglas Dietrich’s Post was The US (United States) Sixth Army HQ (Headquarters) at El Presidio Real De San Francisco (Español [“Spanish”], “The Royal Fortress ‘o’ Saint Francis;” Cest 032876 [March 28th, 1776; Established On-Foundation The The United States-‘o’-America itself]—1995, ‘til Base-Closure, THE Presidio [Español, “Fortress-Settlement” or “Military Base”] was the longest continuously operated military installation in The United States), which was seething w / Institutionalized (sic) Ritualized Sēt’h-Theism (ie, Satanism) and rampant Child Abuse(s), sic (see <DOUGLASDIETRICH.COM/2019/11/01/CHILD-ABUSE-AT-THE-PRESIDIO-THE-PARENTS-AGONY-THE-ARMYS-COVERUP-THE-PROSECUTIONS-FAILURE>), as well as controversial Human and Animal Medical Experimentation(s), sic, indeed an abortive Assassination – Codenamed “Operation : Mount Rushmore” – was e’‘en organized Onsite el Presidio Targeting The Then-Governor-‘o’-Arkansas who would be the first (self-proclaimed) Afrikan-American POTUS (President ‘O’ The United States) : Then-Presidential Candidate WILLIAM-JEFFERSON “SLICK WILLY” CLINTON (Baptist-Democrat, born WILLIAM-JEFFERSON “BILLY-JEFF” BLYTHE III, also known as “WILLY THE CLIT” : 1946—aged 73 yrs ATDE; 50th Attorney-General ‘o’ Arkansas : 1977—1979; 40th & 42nd Governor-‘o’-Arkansas : 1983—1992; 42nd US Presidency : 1993—2001; Impeached [sic] – Net Worth : Eighty Million United States Dollars). Records plundered from both Enemy and Allied Governments articulated the Covert Objectives ‘o’ Modern Mass-Movements such as צִיּוֹנוּת (“Tsiyyonut [‘Ƶionism’]” in עִבְרִית [“Ha-ʿİvrít” or “The Hebrew” Language]), Voaujhodouonxism (Kreyòl Ayisyen, “Voodooism”), NAtionalsoƵIalismus (Die Deutschensprache [“The German-Speak”], “National-Socialism”), ئالإسلام (“‘Îƶlāmicism [‘Submissionary Militarism’]” in اللغة العربية [“Allẍe Ǣhl-ʿAräabīyyàh” or “The ʿArábic Language”] : Postmodern Wähhä’‘bīst Ideological ʾÎslāmic Fundamentalism, in-disambiguation from either “‘Îƶlamism [Mediævalist ʾإslām-at-War]” or Spiritual ʾإslām, the ‘ƶ’ in either case [when employed in-lieu ‘o’ the ‘s’ integral conventional spelling ‘o’ ʾإslām] – whether in Mediæval[ist] or Postmodern context – disambiguating Militancy from Religiousness), and other Ideologies. Along Incineration ‘o’ reams ‘o’ Reports detailing e’‘erything from Military / Intelligence-Sponsored Drug(s)-Smuggling Operations through-to Interdepartmental Mind-Control Prógroammes were destroyed volumes ‘o’ Notes pertaining to subjects ranging from Intranational Entities such as The United Nations (see Above) and e’‘en Sancta Sedes (Lat[in], The “Holy See [Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction ‘o’ The Universal Catholic Church in Rṓmằ, The Episcopal See ‘o’ The Pontifex Maximus and an Independent Sovereign Entity]”) della (“of”) Status Civitatis Vaticanæ (“Stato della Città del Vaticano [Italiana or The ‘Italian’ Language, ‘The State ‘o’ Vatican City’];” Cest 1929—, By Pacta Lateranensia [Italiana, “Patti Lateranensi,” or The “Lateran Treaty”] ‘o’ IL DUCE [Italiana, lit “THE LEADER”] BENITO-AMILCARE ANDREA MUSSOLINI [Alias “FERRUM DUX,” or “THE IRON DUKE”]; Originally MI5 / Military Intelligence, Section 5 Domestic Intelligence Agent In Security-Service ‘o’ The Greater British Realm as Editor ‘o’ Italian-Socialist Journals, b1883—d1945; Il Duce-‘o’-Fascism : 1919—1945; 27th Prime Ministry of Magna Italia [“Greater Italy”] : 1922—1943; First Marshal ‘o’ Hodierna Imperium Romanvm [“The Modern Rṓmãn Empire”] : 1938—1943; Head-‘o’-State ‘o’ Repubblica Sociale Italiana di Salò [“The Italian Social Republic-‘o’-Salò”] : 1943—1945; Martyred-In-Execution w / His Mistress : CLARETTA [“CLARA”] PETACCI via Allied UN-Sponsored Communist Lynch-Squad Under WALTER AUDISO [Terrorist Nomme de Gᵫrre: “COMANDANTE VALERIO,” b1909—d1973], Loyal Public Servant to The Latin People[s] and The Protector ‘o’ Ǣhl-ʾإslām [“The Submission,” sic : On Stately Visitation to Līībiyāāh in March-‘o’-1937, Il Duce Benito Mussolini Received “The Sword-‘o’-‘Îslām” from a Committéé consistent ‘o’ such Tripolitanian Notables as SHAKIB ARSLAN, Said Sword soon lampooned by The Colonial French and Imperial British Press as having been “— manufactured by a Goldsmith in Florence after a Model Published in a German book At-Time ‘o’ Ẅilhelm II w / ʿAràibesqᵫ Engraved upon it by Lībhiyān-Jewish Goldsmiths;” per MARGRET BOVERI, WILLIAM CONNER, `et alia’]) to “Individuals-‘o’-Interest” inclusive TXE САИНТЕД НИКОЛАИC ТЕСЛА (Српско-Хрватски [“Srpsko-Hrvatski,” The Polycentric “Serbo-Croatian” Language], “SVETOG NIKOLAJAS TESLA [‘THE SAINTED NIKOLAIS TESLA’],” Österreichisch [Die Deutschensprache, “Imperial Austrian”]-Born Србо-Хрватски Американац [Srpsko-Hrvatski / “Serbo-Croation,” “Srbo-Hrvatski Amerikanac,” or “Serbo-Croatian American”] Electromechanical Engineer, Inventor and Futurist ‘o’ Serbian Èthnicity, Croatian Nationality and Former [sic] United States Citizenship – a Révolutionary Spiritual Scientist who fore’‘er changed The Scientific Fields ‘o’ Electricity and Magnetism, b1856 / 1857—d010743 [died January 7th, 1943]; Suicided [sic], Tesla’s Greatest Development : A / C [Alternating Current], powers nigh-all the technological wonders in Our World Today, from home heating through computers to Advanced Technology Robotics; His Discoveries gave Mankind The Television and His dream ‘o’ Wireless Communication came-to-pass in both The Radio and eventually The Cellphone, yet the incredible details ‘o’ His Tragic Story remain widely unknown), The OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis [“Order ‘o’ The Temple ‘o’ The East,” or “Order-‘o’-Oriental Templars”]; Cest 1903—) FRĀTER (Lat, “BROTHER”) LAFAYETTE RONALD “eL-RON” HUBBARD (American Messianic Fābuliste and “The Father-‘o’-‘Dianetics’,” said term a neologism from The Ellīnikī́ [“Greek”] “Διά [‘Diá’ : pronounced ‘Dee-ah’;’ meaning ‘through,’ as in a primary preposition denoting the channel ‘o’ an act; also commonly employed as a prefix lending the same idea, as in ‘thoroughly’],” and “Nοῦς [‘Noûs,’ meaning ‘Mind;’ a masculine noun – The God / s-Given capacity ‘o’ each person to think, ie ‘Reason’],” b1911—d1986; USMCR [United States Marine Corps Reserve; Cest 1916—] and WW—II USN [United States Navy; Cest 1775—] – Commissioned Officer Status [Commanding Twa Ships In Succession : The USS YP-422 and USS PC-815]; Founder, The Church-‘o’-Scientology [Cest 1953—]; The Former Chief ‘o’ SPEC-OPS [SPECial OPerationS] For The Joint Chiefs-‘o’-Staff [Established-in-Practice : 1942; Cest 1949—] Under PRESIDENT JOHN-FITƵGERALD “JOHNBOY” KENNEDY [Democrat, Awarded US Navy & Marine Corps Medal + Purple Heart Recipient for His Service in World War II; b1917—d1963, the year ‘o’ Doug Dietrich’s own Late Sister’s birth]; Member, US House-o-Representatives : 1947—1953; US Senator from Massachusetts: 1953—1960; 35th US Presidency: 1961—1963; Assassinated] : THE LATE COLONEL LEROY-FLETCHER “FLETCH” PROUTY, USAF [United States Air Force; Cest 1947—], RET [b1917—d2001] informed leaders ‘o’ The Church-‘o’-Scientology that The Military Discharge Papers ‘o’ L. Ron Hubbard had been “Sheep-Dipped [meaning twa sets ‘o’ Government Records were generated Documenting Lieutenant Hubbard’s Service]” – said revelation emerging when Pulitzer Prize-Winning American Author and Screenwriter LAWRENCE WRIGHT [b1947—Aged 72 Yrs ATDE; Staff Writer, THE NEW YORKER Magazine; Cest 1925—] Published Exposition on the subject revealing that Official Government Documents contained no mention ‘o’ any Injury suffered by LT [LieuTenant], [¿] JG [Junior Grade] ? Hubbard In-Service to his Nation), The Anglo-American Author HOWARD PHILLIPS “HP” LOVECRAFT (Philosophically Anihilistic [in-disambiguation from Nihilist] Metaphysical Biodeterminist and Politically Fascistic-Socialist, b1890—d1937; Assassinated [sic], HP Lovecraft was Contracted in several simultaneous Projects just prior his Termination w / Extreme Prejudice – including both Coäuthorship w / Magyar-Amerikai [Magyar Nyelv or “Hungarian Language,” “Hungarian-American”] Illusionist and International Mercenary Intelligence Investigator HARRY HOUDINI [Jewish, born EHRICKH HARRY WEISSƵ : 1874—d1926; Assassinated] on a Work intended to prophylactically preëmpt Postmodern Credulity per Paranormal and Pseudoscientific Chicanery as then-foreseen to be rampant Today [Kults ‘o’ Extratèrrestrial / Nonhumanic Gods, et cetera], and nothing less than Coäuthorship w / The American Author, Pioneer Aviator, Explorer, Inventor, Social Activist and US Presidential-Aspirant USAAF [United States Army Air Forces; Cest 1941—] BRIGADIER-GENERAL CHARLES-AUGUSTUS “SLIM” LINDBERGH [Aliased “THE LONE EAGLE,” and also-known-as “LUCKY LINDY,” b1902—d1974; Years-‘o’-Service : 1925—1941, 1944—1945, sic and 1954—1974; Awarded both The US Congressional Medal-‘o’-Honour & The Distinguished Flying Cross, c1927] on an American “MEIN KAMPF [‘MY STRUGGLE,’ published 1925, Eher Verlag; By The Mr Dietrich’s Biological Sire ADOLFUS-JACOB HITLER – see <DOUGLASDIETRICH.COM/2019/05/08/DOUGLAS-DIETRICH-SON-OF-ADOLF-HITLER-FIGHTING-AGAINST-WHITE-SUPREMACIST-NEO-NAZIS>, NSDAP : NAtional-SoƵIalistiche Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei or ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party,’ Cest 1919, Birthyear ‘o’ Doug Dietrich’s own Late-and-Sainted Legal Sire, see Above—sic, Aliased ‘DER SCHŴARƵENFUCHS,’ or ‘THE BLACK FOX,’ b042089 / April 20th, 1889—[?]; Freelance Illustrator : 1907—1918; Gefreiter, Deutschens Heer-Armee or ‘Lance-Corporal, Imperial German Army’ Squad Leader : 1914—1918; Vorläufige Reichswehr or ‘Provisional Realm’s Defense’ Agent On-Assignment : Infiltration ‘o’ Radicalized Political Movements as formed by Disenfranchised Veterans, one such Target-Organization being Der DAP : Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, or The ‘German Workers’ Party’ : 1919—1920; Fëᵫhrer, NSDAP – See Above, Hitler’s Reörganized DAP : 1921—1945 + ?; cKhanƶcellor Dæirs Deutsche Demokratischen Republik or ‘Chancellor ‘o’ The German Democratic Republic’ : 1933—1945; Der Deutschenfëᵫhrer-und-ReichscKhanƶcellor-von-Größdeutschland or ‘Leader ‘o’ The German Peoples and Realm’s-Chancellor ‘o’ Greater Germania’ : 1934—1945; Entered Ŵoaumphyieorai Estate ? : 1942—1945; Der Fëᵫhrer Dæirs Tausendjährigen Reiches-Im-Exil or ‘The Leader ‘o’ The Thousand Year Realm-In-Exile’ ? : 1945—?; Rumoured Decedent / Assassinated ? / Slain ?; Awarded Six Medals for His Service on The Western Front in World War I; among which Hitler received twa Iron Crosses : The Second Iron Cross in First Class, a rarity for Footsoldiers; The Bavarian Medal ‘o’ Military Service, Third Class w / Bar and, as was granted all Wounded Soldiers in Bavarian Service, The Cross ‘o’ Military Merit – in Hitler’s Case : Third Class w / Swords and, later, Wound Badge in Black in-acknowledgement ‘o’ Hitler’s barely surviving a Mustard Gas Attack resultant In an extended period ‘o’ blindness]” as Sponsored by The Father ‘o’ Mass-Produced Automotive Industries Worldwide : American Industrialist HENRY-JAMES FORD [Anglican, b1863—d1947; Founder, FORD Motor Company, Cest 1903—; Henry Ford’s Personal Estate Net Worth at Ô’‘ēr One Hundred and Eighty-Eight Billion United States Dollars per Data from FORBES Media LLC / Limited Liability Company; Cest 1917—, Sourced February 2008]). Since Forced Base Closure ‘o’ El Presidio viś-à-viś The Mr Dietrich’s Expositions, his Technical Background in Military Information Warfare and his experiences in Mercenary / Security Enforcement has capacitated startling Professional Insights into Geopolitics, The Current Demographic Apocalypse and The US MIMOENANISIC-COM (United States Military / Intelligence / Medical / Occult / Entertainment / Narcotics / Academic / Nuclear / Information / Science[s] / Industrial-Congressional COMplex; Cest 1876, sic—) Junta Thánatizing our very Future. WMD’s (Weapons-‘o’-Mass-Deception) unleashed Generations agone by the increasingly Self-Deluded American Élites have since Warped The Taxpaying Electorate’s very Perception(s)-‘o’-Reality. NOW Be The Time For TOTAL Disclosure. — In-Distribution By DOUGLAS DIETRICH PRODUCTIONS; SUBSCRIBE @ <DOUGLASDIETRICH.COM> & Contribute To The Struggle @ <SHOWSDD.COM/DONATE.HTML> ~ THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN EITHER SIDE ‘O’ THE PACIFIC – AMERASIAN AGENT ‘O’ THE PEACOCK ǼNGÆL مَلَك طَاوُوس (“TAWOÛSÊ-MELEIK [‘MELIEK TA’‘OUSI’]”) – HOLDS THE KEY TO BREAKAWAY PERCEPTION; Subscribe To The DOUGLAS DIETRICH YOUTUBE LLC (Limited Liabilities Company; C[ondīta] est 2005—) CHANNEL @ <YOUTUBE.COM/c/DOUGLASDIETRICH> – ¡¡¡ AND Tap (Click) The NOTIFICATION BELL in order to Receive Notification(s) that Livestream(s) hast Started !!! – Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio (THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”); The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors;” “LIKE” and Follow The Renegade Military Historian FACEBOOK, INC(orporated; Cest 2004—) PCF’s (Public Community Fanpages) @ <> & <>; THE LAST Д‘ТРĂЦКОГОÙЛ‘ВYЕА’c (“D‘TRĂCKOGOÙL‘ŴYEA’s [‘SON-‘O’-DIETRICH’s,’ or ‘SON-‘O’-A’‘DRAGON’s’];” pronounced “Dī Traiykh-Kohk-Goowhll VYāyh’s” and Ænglobastardized “DRACULA’s”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 (“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet a’‘gain (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。
55 FollowersPandemic Alternative
54 FollowersExplainer vids discussing an alternative approach to the covid pandemic.
Anti Cancer Project
54 FollowersWe all know that cancer is spreading rapidly all over the world. Cancer patients need moral support and inspiration so that they are mentally prepared and educated enough to fight this deadly disease. This channel is all about learning and providing scientific resources on how you can take charge of your life and take all precautions in eating and changing in your lifestyle so that you are aware what all is good for your health. We have also taken interviews of many cancer patients who have fought bravely with this deadly disease. In these videos they have explained in details how they have done this. This will motivate all the cancer patients as it gives confidence to them that their cancer also can be healed. This confidence works like magic in healing fast. Knowledge is Power and if you know what causes cancer then you also have the power to reverse it.
53 FollowersDon't take anything I say seriously, its the internet
Exótica HOT
53 FollowersCanal dedicado a Beleza da Mulher com um toque de sensualidade e bom gosto (Channel dedicated to Women's Beauty with a touch of sensuality and good taste)
Impractical Jokers
52 FollowersImpractical Jokers is an American hidden camera reality show with improvisational elements. Produced by NorthSouth Productions, Impractical Jokers premiered on truTV on December 15, 2011 starring the members of The Tenderloins: James "Murr" Murray, Brian "Q" Quinn, Sal Vulcano, and Joe Gatto. A typical episode is a series of competitive games of dares in which each cast member, or "joker", receives either a thumbs up or thumbs down for his performance. At the climax, the joker who tallied the most thumbs down is the loser and is thereby subjected to a "punishment". The games are contrived scenarios in which one joker is challenged to embarrass himself by engaging with unwitting members of the general public, receiving commands from the other jokers who are orchestrating and surveying the bizarre scenario from behind the scenes with covert surveillance equipment. The most common premise is that a joker will immediately lose a challenge if he refuses to follow any instructions given by the other three. Some games involve all four jokers competing at once to be the first to reach a stated goal. The intro describes the show as "scenes of graphic stupidity among (four) lifelong friends who compete to embarrass each other." The games are loosely structured, relying heavily upon improvisation. The show's comedic themes range from witty dialogue to slapstick routines, with the reactions of both the jokers and the members of the public serving as punchlines.
Prophetic History and Archeology
51 FollowersTheology, History, Archeology, Bible knowledge