Founder's Bible Readings


For what it's worth. I've decided to read The Founders Bible, out loud, on Rumble. 2200+ pages. I'm at LEAST going to try to do a page a day. I've never read the bible. I am no good at reading. I definitely ain't good at public speaking... Seemed like a nice little project and it also provides accountability for myself. I am a heathen. I cuss. I say goofy shit. I am not politically correct but I don't believe I am vulgar (and if i am, i really don't care). This is for Me. If you'd like to join along with me, you are more than welcome too. Probably going to take me awhile. Thanks. I've also started adding them to youtube (because they have a better playlist feature, that's it, let's get on the ball Rumble)

King James Bible 1611 Ministries Nederland - KJV NL - Marco Kok


King James Bible 1611 Ministries Nederland is gewijd aan: 1. Het evangelie van de Heer Jezus Christus prediken, te vinden in de pagina’s van de King James Version. (Acts 26:22-29, 1 Corinthians 1:18-21) 2. Bijbelgetrouwe doctrines onderwijzen. (2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 2:2) 3. Het verdedigen van de perfectie van de King James Bible 1611, God’s Heilig geschreven woord. (Ephesians 6:10-20) 4. Het vertalen van belangrijk Bijbel studie materiaal voor onze Nederlandse broeders en zusters. (2 Timothy 1:8) 5. Het zijn van een medewerker, strijdende de goede strijd van het geloof, en belijdende een goede belijdenis voor vele getuigen. (1 Timothy 6:12)

Luke 21 - Catholic Bible Prophecy


Welcome to Luke 21! Join us as we study bible prophecy from a Catholic perspective. Luke 21’s host Steve Wood, has studied biblical prophecy for five decades. During his years as an Evangelical teacher and pastor, he made a long pilgrimage through all major schools of prophecy before finally adopting St. Augustine’s views. With his background, Steve knows each of the major non-Catholic interpretations of biblical prophecy well and can provide our listeners with an insider’s viewpoint. Subscribe now to dive deep into Catholic prophecy and the end times. Tune in each Thursday for a new episode! Video episodes for Luke 21 begin at Episode 400. Previous episodes can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and PodBean.