"The Rumble Report: Breaking News and Beyond
24 FollowersUnparalleled Accuracy: At Rumble News, we prioritize accuracy above all else. Our dedicated team of seasoned journalists and fact-checkers work tirelessly to verify every piece of information before it reaches your screens. We strive to present news stories with the utmost integrity, ensuring that you can rely on us to provide the most accurate accounts of events.
think health
24 FollowersThnk health is a channel which publishes videos on every aspect of medicine, including anatomy, physiology, pathology, internal medicine, family medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology, neurology, nutrition, mental health, and other not - mentioned areas. The facts in these videos are based on the reviews of healthcare professionals, and their latest medical guidelines. The information in these videos are provided solely for educational purposes, and should not be used as treatment options.
24 FollowersInspirational and thought provoking content meant to stimulate your thinking, challenge your assumptions and move you to action...
Kwame Speaks
23 FollowersWhats on Kwame Browns mind? Here at Kwame Speaks you will get to hear just what he has to think about all different things from sports relationships politics and much more.
23 FollowersBreaking911
23 FollowersThinkingdude
23 FollowersBreakingMTheory
23 FollowersThe Re-Think Tank Podcast
22 FollowersThe Re-Think Tank Podcast is a content platform created for thinkers that wish to expose themselves to a diversity of ideas and perspectives outside the censorship of modern media
Hot Topics on the Law - Breaking it Down with Attorney Tracy Henderson
22 FollowersHot Topics on the Law - Breaking it Down with Attorney Tracy Henderson
This Canadian Thinks
21 FollowersA political and news commentary opinion editorial podcast with a focus on matters of concern to Canadians.
21 FollowersBreaking news
21 FollowersFind the latest breaking news and information on major events
Unadulterated Thought Mechanism
20 FollowersAndersson Arte is young at heart but old in spirit. He has spent several lifetimes traversing this humble planet we call home: as a poet, a scholar, a distinguished gentleman with a golden voice gifted from the gods above. Andersson is Heaven-sent; a beautiful, sentient being with a pure heart who has been likened to Gandhi. But let not these words convince you of such; rather, allow the gentle caress of his voice to bring you to a state of untamed bliss, as he taps into your subconscious desires, convincing you of truths hidden beneath the surface of your incapacitated minds, which slowly rot as the establishment maintains control. Allow Andersson to expand your consciousness and accept our shared humanity through the expression of his inner conflict, which he expresses unashamedly, as he knows we are all, in fact, conflicted in our own way. However, with all being said, as you delve into the many facets of Andersson's complex personality, you will realise he has a great taste for the absurd; thus, not all of his creations are to be taken too seriously… And might I also mention, he feels great disdain toward those who refer to themselves in the third person.
Thinking Allowed
20 FollowersWant to know what happens next? Discover the hidden causality between dreams and reality. Discover the true identity of your enemy in life and death.
Finding Free Thought Podcast
20 Followers"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. Our mission is to guide community into the spaces outside of belief to explore the human awakening through a lens of personal sovereignty, nuanced truths and the spaciousness of not knowing.
20 FollowersBreakingTrumpNews
20 FollowersBreaking It Down Michigan
19 FollowersNews and views regarding the political landscape in Northeast, Northern, and Michigan.
19 FollowersI'm here to create video's on a broad range of trending topics regarding relationships, women, and self improvement.
Speak to Transform
19 FollowersTraining Kingdom women entrepreneurs, authors and leaders that want to learn public speaking skills to become a voice of influence on the earth.
The Broken Wall, Nehemiah, & The Lion
19 Followers1 Peter 5. 8 “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” But how do you recognize The Devil when he is invisible? Lies. John 8:44:… He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies. The wall separating truth and lies in health and science is broken. The Devil’s lies are now entrenched in the church. The wall of truth that kept the lies on the outside is broken. The Lion- the Devil- is freely roaming about inside the church destroying our faith, our lives and our church. Watch this video series to identify those lies. Start rebuilding the wall now! God will send people only to a church that has rebuilt that wall Video #1 In our Post-Christian era why do we think we are being told the truth? Video #1 explains how power now establishes what is truth and what is lies. Not actual truth. Video #2 Censored- The 4 Ways Trusted Medical Authorities Censor Medical Truth I suggest you watch this documentary 2nd in this series because until you understand how scientific information is processed-- obeying scripture to hear the other side of the story- will be extremely difficult Video #3 Creation A Christian View of Everything: THE IMPORTANCE AND VALIDITY OF READING GENESIS AS HISTORY The same tricks and methods used to suppress the health risks of cigarette smoking for 50 years are still being used to control and shape “The Narrative” on climate, abortion health risks to the woman, and crazy as it sounds- the age of earth and the universe. Video #4 Covid 19: Concise Report: Did Jesus reveal a better Plan? 2021 The Pandemic: A Concise Report. 30 minutes to understand what happened (Sept. 2021) Video #5 The Hidden Physical Health Risks of Abortion and Informed Consent: For a Teenage Girl and Her Physician 20 years ago I believe God asked me to use my video production company to get the national television networks to sponsor a documentary about abortion risks to women. They all refused. The justification for abortion is based entirely on lies. There is no truth whatsoever. 6 The Hidden Emotional Risks of Abortion The shame in post abortion Christian women is so high such women have extreme difficulty even sharing with their best friend. So they keep it bottled up resulting in a diminished relationship with everyone around her and God. #7 Help Moving Forward: Sorting Through the Additional Rubble: Expanding Your News Sources We must continue to pick through the rubble sorting out which ideas that are now on the inside of the church belong on the outside with "The Enemy" and his “Narrative" Some examples: Population growth? The Narrative wants fewer people on earth, far fewer. So don’t be surprised when destructive ideas and policies emerge. In fact Jesus looks at people as a blessing. The Bible never revoked the command to multiply. Despite images of cities teaming with people the entire world’s population can still be placed into a very very small geographical area. Hunger is not due to overpopulation or a shortage of food but poverty that comes from evil governments. Gender confusion? Children years too young to provide legal consent are undergoing life changing permanent physical and chemical mutilation to their God given gender. Studies reveal it doesn’t make them happier. Born Gay? A major medical research organization did a thorough analysis of the human DNA hoping to find the gay gene. They found nothing. Neither God nor evolution could create same sex attraction. Climate Change or climate alarmism? There is ample evidence that “The Narrative" is based on power and politics more than actual science. We know beyond dispute that the oceans were higher and the planet far warmer in the recent past. "The Narrative’s not telling you that. Yet we are rushing forward trying to eliminate fossil fuels 20 or 30 years ahead of being able to replace them with electricity. The resulting chaos is worsening. And the WEF- the world economic forum. "The Narrative" wants you to believe it consists of uber wealthy kindly rich men like Bill Gates dressed in his casual sweater like Mr. Rogers. The WEF claims to be simply helping our elected officials do their job of helping everyone stay healthy and happy, right? So why did Bill Gates refuse to let the poorest countries have the formulae to make their own Covid vaccines? These are a few of the ideas that permeate our thinking but appear to be very destructive. You have learned through the earlier documentary, Censored, how empirical science is skewed to support The Narrative. I believe Christians and our churches are at a divide in the road. There is a 100 dollar word for choosing which path you will follow- bifurcation. It is a term used in the nautical world. There is a river I like to boat on that divides into a wide channel and a narrow channel at one point. Only if you know how to interpret the meaning of the colour of a simple floating marker, a buoy, do you know to take the narrow channel to avoid the rocks on the wide one. There is no arrow to point out the correct direction. On occasion we hear the crunching and propeller grinding from a boater who didn't know how to interpret the simple buoy. Unlike road signs with arrows and even multiple languages the boater gets a simple floating pole in the water. No words. And the colour alone does not tell you which channel to choose. You must also know which way the current is flowing. So I wrap up asking if you know which way the current is taking you? Scripture tells us how to discern and sort out these ideas. But in addition, podcasters like the one running in the background are a great resource. Revelation 17, 9: "Don't drop your guard, use your head"..... ". The Message (MSG) Churches and individuals which continue to rebuild the wall of truth will be safely inside Jesus plan.
Deep Speak
19 FollowersWelcome to DEEP SPEAK – where we ask the Questions to the Answers of the universe. Follow our crazy trains of thought as we start on one topic and end up in a whole other dimension…
19 FollowersYAOKNEWS...News that makes you think!
18 FollowersA channel dedicated to the truth!
If you're not thinking, you're not moving forward!
18 FollowersCommentary about news, politics, and gernal happenings.
Broke Moe Howard UHF TV Channel 33
18 FollowersWelcome to our UHF channel, I am the station manager, Broke Moe Howard! This station has been running on a shoe string budget for some time so I decided we needed to make some changes, big changes! I said to myself, "You know what this station needs Broke Moe?! STAR POWER!" I dug through the desk drawers, found some loose change, a paper clip and a stick of old gum. In other words, I needed someone who would work for the promise of fame and high jinks... that's when I hired Groucho and of course, Mr. Bonejangles! What a comedy duo these two are! Explore the community with Groucho and Mr. Bonejangles as they go on adventures out and about! Watch them as they share with you their reactions to campy, B-grade films, TV shows and retro commercials! But most of all stay for the hilarity that ensues! https://www.youtube.com/@BrokeMoeHowardUHF
March 13 2022 "Fighting Amalek" event concerning fighting against tyranny, covid vaccine mandates and the numbing of the independent thinking
18 FollowersIn this event R. Jonathan Rietti, Dr. Ryan Cole, R. Michoel Green, R. Daniel Green and R. Smith speak about fighting against the evil of the covid vaccine mandates and the dangers facing us.
The Deborah Peters Show - Living Life On The Leading Edge Of Thought
18 FollowersThe Deborah Peters Show unpacks the deeper awareness of our lives. Each week, we will bring you the most incredible guests who aim to be on the leading edge of thought addressing the five main aspects of life: Health – We will continually explore the connection between your mind, emotions, body and spiritual maturity. A Higher Mind approach, a fresh new perspective of how you create your levels of health and vibrancy. Hopefully, we’ll introduce you to notions you haven’t yet considered. Wealth – Creating money, keeping money, growing money….probably the hottest three topics on everyone’s mind, whether you have it or wish you did. Let’s unpack how to create money and have a healthy relationship with being wealthy and solvent. Business – What does it take these days to build and lead a successful company into the future? A whole new approach to business success unfolds right here. Relationships – The quality of our lives is directly impacted by the quality of our relationships – including and especially the relationship we have with ourselves. This big topic is never boring, from love and romance to family, business and friendships. Self Expression – Who are you BE-ing? What and whom do you show the world? Is it your true self or a dialed-back version of who you really are deep inside and are avoiding embracing? Let’s dig in and create your authentic Self Expression.
Rumble Breaking News
17 FollowersBreaking News, World News.
Breaking Tradition
17 FollowersJesus "The" Christ gave humanity very specific instructions on how we should live and what we need to do to enter The Kingdom of Heaven. What he didn't instruct us to do is create a religion in his name! In this podcast, we will do a deep dive into the teachings of Jesus and separate His truth from the man-made traditions that have distorted His word. Episodes 1-13 are audio recordings that can be found on podcast platforms except iTunes.
Think Media
17 FollowersThanks for checking out Think Media on YouTube! We are a team of content creators bringing you weekly tech reviews, camera tutorials, and YouTube growth videos. And over the last 10 years, we've created and refined the #1 YouTube Strategy Course in the world - Video Ranking Academy. Our courses and community have helped over 12,000 YouTubers tackle their goals. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran we will help take your channel to the next level! Our mission is to help 10,000 purpose-driven people go full-time doing what they love and making an impact through the power of video.
George Washington Speaks
17 FollowersVern Frykholm was inspired to portray George Washington after listening to Dr. Peter Lillback talk about his book, “George Washington’s Sacred Fire” in 2011 at the George Washington Inn near Sequim, Washington. In July, 2012, Vern joined 50 other people to tour Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with Dr. Lillback. During that week they visited many historic places involving the American Revolution. The tour ended at Valley Forge, where Dean Malissa, the foremost portrayer of George Washington in the nation, presented his thoughts on the revolution. Vern was so impressed by his presentation, he became convinced that the State of Washington deserved its own George Washington. Since then, Vern has made more than 400 appearances, talked to more than 24,000 people, and has been the keynote speaker at various state and regional conferences. Vern’s goal is to present early America from Washington’s viewpoint with as much historical accuracy as possible. His presentations are not only educational, but entertaining and inspirational for all audiences: young people, retirees, businessmen, civic and patriotic groups, and veterans. Thank you for your interest. Looking forward to further conversations. Vernon L. Frykholm aka George Washington
17 FollowersSPOKEN BIBLE
17 FollowersSPOKEN BIBLE
Listen to spiritual messengers of God, Aka, speak
17 FollowersWith the brightest light in the heavens that passed over in late March 1970, spiritual messengers of God arrived and began to speak through an unconscious man from a town named Globe. "We were sent for the one who asked our Father...." "We are here but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah." "New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men\\\'s hearts first."
You're Thinking it, We're saying it.
17 FollowersI am a Constitutional Conservative trying to enlighten and be enlightened with good constructive discussion.