History & Culture


http//:brannonparker.com Many rare videos with amazing and accurate information regarding the authentic history of Religion, God and Civilization and forgotten historical facts and ignored details regarding current events related to India & Modern Hindu Culture. Brannon Parker is also the author of two influential books 'Orissa in the Crossfire' and 'The Serpent the Eagle the Lion and the Disc'. Available here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/brannonparker The 1st book caused such controversy that calls were made in the Upper House of the Indian Parliament to ban the book. The fact is the book reveals the ongoing tragedy confronted by India's Tribal people of Odisha and the exposes revealed in the book made some elites uncomfortable. The 2nd book spans the history of civilization and religion and reveals that rather than a tragic story of tyrannical kings and priests, our common history is truly astounding and majestic.This book is a Startling Revelation regarding the history of religion, civilization and God.

Pinkfong Baby Shark - Kids' Songs & Stories


Welcome to Baby Shark Pinkfong official Rumble channel At Baby Shark Pinkfong, our primary goal has always been to engage families with entertaining and educational content that makes universally-relatable preschool moments fun. Our beautiful 3D animation and toe-tapping songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children. In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together. Baby Shark Pinkfong. Where kids can be happy and smart!



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