Explainers and educational videos in tha field of science and technology and international relations and political games and various countries across the globe


Learning Awareness and educationa is the purpose of the channel.pikapika is a educator whose expatriates lies in doing simplified and objective explainers of complex topics.educate yourself on important things which matter in your life and learn how you can make the world a better place for yourself and for everyone else!

Life, Family, Relationships, and everything in between!!


Being Prince Joseph is a podcast that revolves around Life, Relationships, Family, and everything else. This podcast is designed to help people deal with everyday issues that we all experience. It is an unbiased podcast that treats both sides of the issue without being influenced by race, gender, religion or culture. Every topic is treated as it is supposed to without reservation. Kindly, join our podcast in good faith. We can all learn from each other and your input will be appreciated. Enjoy!!!