Politically Correcting


Challenging the status quo, POLITICALLY CORRECTING is a unique podcast and radio show where Latino Democrat JOSE PEO and Black Republican LAVELLE LEWIS engage in insightful discussions on political and social issues of the week. Peo – a local politician, veteran, and businessman – and Lewis – an historian, political pundit, and real estate professional – offer a refreshing perspective that transcends party lines as they come together to make sense of the narratives presented by mainstream media.

The Conservative Political Forum


The Conservative Political Forum is our flagship Twitter space organized every Wednesday from 8 - 10pm pacific time. We get an average attendance of 60-100 users joining each week. This makes us the LARGEST scheduled political space on the entire platform. The Host of this show is (Jason) Stands For Truth ( @TrueJMitchell ). The show is co-hosted by the great Cats for the Truth ( @Catsforthetruth ). Every week there is a second co-host which is passed around between a few of our loyal friends. We are so lucky to have dedicated listeners and staff who help the program run smoothly every week. We have many people that join from all over the political spectrum, age range, and the globe. We have been visited by a few major people who are changing the political landscape in America. We keep things interesting and informative with segments like Headlines, Reducation, and Overtime. We are continually innovating to remain relevant and provide the best experience to our users. Follow us on Twitter! - https://twitter.com/Cpoliticalforum Jason - https://twitter.com/TrueJMitchell Cat - https://twitter.com/Catsforthetruth Best - https://twitter.com/TheBestPeople9 We want to hear your feedback! Please email us at theconservativepoliticalforum@gmail.com

Political Perennialism


Political Perennialism is an ongoing project. Its aim is to develop a comprehensive and systematic political theory grounded on and consistent with the Perennialist School of Philosophy, as represented by René Guénon and Frithjof Schuon. In summary, the objectives of this project are fourfold. Firstly, to explain why modern political arrangements are illegitimate, indefensible and unsalvageable. Secondly, to present and defend the essential and universal features of Traditional political forms. Thirdly, to convince you, my reader, that a restoration of these Traditional political forms is beyond the realm of possibility and the current historical juncture. Fourthly, and practically, to urge you to seek your salvation, fulfil your responsibilities towards whomever you have them, and to insulate yourselves from the oncoming chaos.