Cosa extrañas que pasan en nuestra vida y el mundo Donaciones -------------------------------------- Quieres ganar dinero trabajando Usa este navegador mientras trabajas y genera muchos mas ingresos Descarga la extensión y saca el máximo partido a tu navegador ganando aún más, no te haces de oro, pero..... ganas un buen dinero

Pedro Roberto Ortiz


Centro de Estudios Ivra\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nPedro Roberto Ortiz\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nCentro de Estudios Ivra Santa. Ana California.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nDr. Pedro Roberto Ortiz\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nSus enseñanzas De Amor, Vida, Luz y Paz.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nQue el Bendito sea los guíe y los guarde.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nBaje nuestra Aplicación(App) en Apple Store:\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nDonaciones:\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nFacebook Link:

Maestros del Estoicismo


¿Quieres ser un hombre de alto valor y vivir una vida plena y significativa? En nuestro canal, te mostramos cómo la filosofía estoica puede ser la clave para alcanzar tus metas. Explora con nosotros las enseñanzas de los grandes estoicos y descubre cómo aplicarlas en tu vida cotidiana. ¡Suscríbete ahora y comienza tu transformación personal con Maestros del Estoicismo! Si te ha gustado el contenido, puedes apoyarnos con una donación a través de paypal, USDT o BNB, esto nos ayudaría mucho para seguir subiendo contenido. @contribuciones582 0x11110FC07C4e42f1B53785252884f612947E81f3 Sé un hombre de Alto Valor, Sé Estoico!!!!

Remodel 1986 Apache Camper


Hello Rumble Welcome The the Betz's Homestead, Well Working on It! Thanks for Stopping in at our channel This Channel Will Follow our Family's Adventures. From our three bedroom rental on longisland NY to to a 1986 Apache Pop up Camper. On a some land we do not own yet state we have not picked yet. Follow us As we rebuild(remodel really) My Grandpa's 86 Hard Sided Popup Camper, Give it some Cool up Dates Like solar power, Air conditioner, update the water system. Find a state to Start our homestead , Build our Farm and live a simpler life



"Welcome to the modelAi channel! Here, you can immerse yourself in the world of artificial intelligence and aesthetics. I am passionate about creating sensual images of women using powerful AI algorithms. Each modelAi video will take you on a visual journey, showcasing a variety of breathtaking images created exclusively through AI. Our channel focuses on visual creations that combine the art of artificial intelligence with feminine beauty. Each video features a smooth sequence of stunning images, capturing the grace, elegance, and sensuality of women. Be captivated by the enchanting flow of the images, immersing yourself in a unique aesthetic universe. We are excited to share with you the power of AI applied to visual art. Our goal is to create an engaging and thrilling experience for our viewers, offering them a unique glimpse into how AI can interpret and reinterpret human beauty.

Military Modeling


Small replicas of tanks, planes, ships, and other military vehicles in miniature, reproducing their characteristics with maximum detail. Military modeling is a hobby that allows me to develop my creativity and manual skills, as well as learn more about military history and technology. I love researching the different periods and countries that I represent in my creations, striving to reproduce their colors and camouflage patterns with accuracy. I enjoy experimenting with different techniques and materials, using everything from brushes and acrylic paints to more advanced materials such as airbrushes and resins. Each project is a new challenge and an opportunity to improve my skills and techniques. I share my creations and experiences in the world of military modeling, as well as tips and tutorials for other hobby enthusiasts. It's a pleasure to be able to share my love for this hobby with others and contribute to the military modeling community. Visit my and to discover more about my miniature creations!