Women's Safety Zone


This channel is committed to all matters concerning women's SAFTEY issues, providing educational videos to prevent women from becoming victims of crime while in the comfort of their own homes or while out in public. This channel also highlights the importance of women taking advantage of American citizen’s rights to bear arms, under the laws of the second amendment via the United States Constitution. This channel also informs women that soft on crime liberal politicians, liberal judges as well as the socialist liberal led media are turning America into a crime infested lawless society.

Women at the Well


Dr. Cindy and Dr. Cydney are Catholic women who each have a doctorate in a field of psychology and are teaming up to bring the world of psychology and Catholicism together! We desire to help women rembrace brace their God given role as distinct feminine, and maternal creatures. We will do this by using psychology from a Catholic perspective to help women identify the deception of the culture and navigate away from the world to focus solely on our Lord through the model of Our Blessed Mother.

Find your Costa Rica Bride HERE!


Costa Rica is one of the most exciting countries to visit. Who wouldn’t fall in love with a country covered with rainforest and bordered with long coastlines? Who would also forget the exotic beauty of the Costa Rican women? These things would make Costa Rica hit the first spot of the places you want to visit. A lot of men are constantly visiting the country to see its beauty and to start their journey of finding everlasting love. Before stepping into the “Land of the Fire”, they seek help with the pioneer matchmaking agency, the Costa Rica Women. It gives the chance to foreign men to meet them while exploring the country through its sought after romance and singles tour. Our marriage agency has aided a lot of successful love stories between foreign men and the women from Costa Rica. This is our goal 15 years ago and we are constantly achieving this. If you are interested to meeting a Tica to spend the rest of your life with, feel free to contact us and avail our services!