

I try to get out and bank fish in South Central Louisiana as much as possible and attempt to catch pretty much any species of fish that will bite. Here we have Largemouth Bass, Catfish mostly Blue and Channel, I believe Flathead although I have never caught one. Garfish, Bowfin (called choupic here) Warmouth(called Goggle eye here) Crappie (called Sac-a-lait) here as well as many other species of fish. I am just getting started making video content so thanks for watching and stay tuned for more fishing and outdoor related videos. Please Follow me on Instagram.

Free Your Mind Canada


Welcome to the Free Your Mind Canada podcast, your gateway to exploring the depths of human freedom. I'm your host, Adrian Cleveland, guiding you through an enlightening journey that transcends borders. While we delve into topics from a Canadian perspective, the issues discussed resonate globally, and the solutions are inherently universal. In a world where many sense an underlying disturbance in our reality without fully grasping its nature, this podcast serves as a beacon of clarity. To effect positive change, two fundamental pillars must be understood: firstly, a comprehensive awareness of our current reality, and secondly, a profound alignment with natural law. Embark with me on an exploration of occulted (hidden) information, unraveling the workings of institutions and the influential forces behind them. Together, we'll navigate through the realms of mind control, social engineering, satanism, and the enigmatic world of the dark occult. Furthermore, we'll dive into the essence of natural law, unveiling the spiritual principles that govern true manifestation. This podcast is not just a platform; it's a call for a collective awakening. Only through mass education can we transform our world for the better. Join me in reshaping your worldview to one that embraces the essence of human freedom.

The world of Edutainment !!!!!!


Entertainment, fun, and education are three important aspects of human life that can be enjoyed together or separately. Entertainment refers to any activity or performance that is intended to amuse or entertain people. It can include watching movies, listening to music, playing games, attending concerts or sporting events, or reading books. The primary goal of entertainment is to provide pleasure, enjoyment, and relaxation to individuals. Fun is an enjoyable activity that provides happiness and joy. It can be anything from playing games, going on a vacation, participating in sports, or spending time with friends and family. Fun activities are usually done for leisure and provide a break from daily routine and work-related stress. Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and values through various mediums such as schools, colleges, universities, books, and online platforms. Education is essential for personal and professional growth and development. It helps individuals to acquire new skills, expand their knowledge base, and explore new perspectives :)

Lições da Escola Sabatina


Possui graduação em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade Federal do Piauí (1995), mestrado em Estruturas e Construção Civil pela Universidade de Brasília (1999) e doutorado em Estruturas e Construção Civil pela Universidade de Brasília (2004). Atualmente é professor associado da Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia. Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Civil, com ênfase em Mecânica Computacional, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: concreto armado, estruturas metálicas, dimensionamento estrutural, análise estrutural, síntese estrutural, redistribuição de esforços solicitantes, superfícies de interação, regressão linear múltipla, elementos finitos, pesquisa operacional, inteligência artificial, métodos numéricos e inteligência computacional. Endereço para acessar meu curriculum vitae: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4752685298064091

Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD


Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD, MBBS, FACC, FSCAI, FCCP, FACP The founder and Chief Medical Officer of Cardiovascular Interventions, P.A. in Orlando Florida where, since 1990, he has been repeatedly recognized in local publications as a Top Doctor performing thousands of interventional procedures in hospital and out patient settings. As a consultant cardiologist with a large diversified inpatient and outpatient practice he is noted for his passions for teaching and illuminating prevention for cardiovascular disease . He is also a clinical assistant professor of medicine at The Florida State University and University of Central Florida.