How Does a 18-Year-Old Multi-Millionaire Spend His Money | Manjeet Singh Sangha


Selling products online has made this 18 year old $30k a day Manjeet was born in a small city near Berlin, Germany, and dreamt of owning a business since his childhood. He had the desire of owning fast cars, and lavish houses, watches, etc. At the age of 13, Manjeet began a jewelry business, but it didn't work. This didn't discourage him as he possessed a positive attitude; he learned from the failure and worked hard on it. At 17 years of age, Manjeet dropped out of his school to follow his childhood dream of owning a business. He saw the rise of the dropshipping industry which caught his eye. Desirichkid felt that the dropshipping industry would boom in the future and began his business. In the beginning, the business was slow, but Manjeet's creative marketing and campaigning gamered some attention online. Gradually, his business grew and at present, he runs more than six online stores, which controls big e-commerce brands, where he is pulling figures and is reaching close to 7-figure profit per month via his marketing. O Vinur

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LEBE DEINE WAHRE MACHT, KRAFT & STÄRKE. BERUFUNG, VISION. MACH 'DEIN DING' DEIN PROBLEM? Gemobbt, nicht wertgeschätzt bzw. häufig übersehen? im Dauerstress, weil Hamsterrad und keine Zeit? dem Burn-Out nah, am Ende Deiner Kraft? voller Selbstzweifel? sie machen was sie wollen, egal, was Du machst und sagst? Irgendwie scheint grad alles ziemlich sinnlos? DEIN WUNSCH? Eigenes Leben leben - nicht was Vorgegebenes | #Enlastung #Berufung #Lebenssinn #Lebensfreude #Gesundheit #SinnImLeben #MeinDingmachen #Kriegsenkel #Lebensführung #Mobbing