Central Wellness Medical & Aesthetic

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My name is Janine Griffin, and I am the co-founder of Central Wellness. My daughter and I founded Central Wellness together back in 2012. I am married and have four beautiful children who are married, and with that comes 11 beautiful grandchildren. As a family, we love to spend time together at our family ranch, have Sunday dinners, and travel to see the beautiful sights of this amazing world. I love to tell the story of Central Wellness because I want you to know that our intention is true. Our Mission To make a positive difference in each client’s life one experience at a time. In 2012, my daughter and I thought it would be nice to build a business that created a place where women could receive medical aesthetic services in a really relaxing and inviting environment. Where you could stop for a moment in your crazy hectic day and refill your cup with a rejuvenating treatment, in turn, to help you be energized to make click to continue reading https://centralwellness.com/about/

Fatima Medical Era


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