The Marcus Carey Perspective Podcast
45 FollowersMarcus Carey is the owner of Empowered Solutions Coaching dedicated to guiding individuals through the mastery of strategic problem-solving techniques with individualized training applying proven systems and processes which he developed over 44 years of practicing law as a "country lawyer" and refined as he delivered over 10,000 successful client solutions. His systems and processes will empower anyone with the confidence and strength to transform struggles into triumphs. Marc is a "has been". He has been a very successful attorney for over 44 years and was a candidate for the Kentucky Supreme Court where he sacrificed his election for the sake of advancing the public's interest through securing free speech rights for elected judges across the nation. His victory for the people in federal court resulted in a landmark decision cited widely to this day. Carey v. Woltnizek, 614 F.3d 189 He "has been" a respected member of the Kentucky Bar Association Ethics Committee, Chairman of the unlawful practice of law committee and still chairs the Northern Kentucky Regional Board of Ethics. He "has been" a podcaster, radio host, co-host of a political cable TV show and much more. He has been the finance chair of successful US Senate campaigns, and spearheaded the use of cutting edge technology to advance the campaign of Senator Rand Paul to victory. Marc has been a public speaker, editorial writer, named the best conservative blogger in Kentucky by the Washington Post. He has been delegate to the Republican National Convention three times, and held every level of leadership in the Republican Party of Kentucky, including Chairman. Marc has been able to do more in one lifetime than so many others, from wilderness adventures, to starting his own homesteading lifestyle 40 years ago, to taming an overgrown wilderness into a beautiful park like property. He has been an organic market gardener, a certified food manufacturer, jazz saxophonist, liturgist in his church, ordained Elder and respected leader of many organizations. Today he is a trusted coach, a devoted husband of 51 years, a loving father of two successful sons and adoring grandpa to three young men. Marc is considered a valuable friend to so many people from all walks of life, all backgrounds and from all economic sectors of his broad community. This podcast is devoted to applying the skills of an inquisitive and probing attorney to the facts that surround us, dissecting both truth and lies in the curiosity driven, analytical methodology of a veteran trial attorney. In the end, what Marc gives his audience is a unique perspective, the voice of reason.
OKC Bombing Documentaries & Clips
45 FollowersA collection of documentaries that are related to the OKC bombing and surrounding subjects, as well as clips from various newsmedia related to the same.
Psalm 91 Abiding in God's Care - Teaching Series by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.
45 FollowersPastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale, CA. For more of Pastor Scott\\\'s teaching 24x7, visit her website at Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to let Pastor Scott know you\\\'ve watched the teaching. She appreciates getting messages from viewers and will often read them during live broadcasts. Follow @Pastor_Scott on Twitter. Download Pastor Scott\\\'s "Understand the Bible" app for iPhone, iPad and iPod at the Apple App Store. Pastor Scott can also be seen on Roku on the "Understand the Bible?" channel. For more information visit
Coetus Saint Jean-Marie Vianney
45 FollowersSites miroirs : Documentaire AdEXT professionnel de janvier 2022 en 14 épisodes (répartis sur 2 saisons en 5 heures au format Full HD), réalisé par des chercheurs indépendants sur la base des travaux publics du site de : Rore Sanctifica ( Saison n°1 – La destruction de l’épiscopat catholique valide (6 épisodes pour 2 heures) L'Eglise de Rome n'a plus d'évêques, ni de prêtres valides, 50 ans après Vatican II, suite au rejet du rite catholique de consécration épiscopale en 1968. Paul VI-Montini, a menti, en prétendant infailliblement, fonder le nouveau rite de consécration épiscopale sur un texte en usage. Ce texte n’a pas d’existence historique démontrée. Le documentaire produit l’enregistrement de l’interview inédit et exceptionnel du Dr Jean Magne (1910-2009), qui, en 1975, réfuta la thèse de Dom Botte, caution pseudo-scientifique du nouveau rite. Il met en scène tout le contexte de la subversion de l’Eglise depuis 1917 dans ce domaine, dans son contexte religieux et politique, influencé par la City of London. Le général des Jésuites Ledochowsky et les Jésuites y ont joué un rôle clé, quoique dissimulé derrière des acteurs ultérieurs plus connus (le Lazariste « Mgr » Bugnini, le Bénédictin Dom Botte, le Père spiritain Lécuyer). Il met en image la démonstration magistrale du Dr Jean Magne et expose le ralliement des universitaires contemporains à ses travaux. Saison n°2 – La tentative depuis 17 ans (2005) de continuer à préserver la prétendue « validité sacramentelle » de la nouvelle consécration épiscopale imposée le 18 juin 1968 par Montini-PaulVI à l’Eglise Catholique de rite romain en avançant le faux argumentaire des conjurés du Consilium liturgique de Vatican II, obstinément assumé depuis 2005 par la Revue le Sel de la Terre des Dominicains d’Avrillé (8 épisodes pour 3 heures) La justification erronée du nouveau rite par les dominicains d’Avrillé fait l’objet des 7 premiers épisodes de la Saison 2. Le documentaire illustre visuellement tous les failles et erreurs de leur prétendue « démonstration » de 2005 (Sel de la terre n°54). Il montre la totale reprise des arguments fallacieux de la commission réformatrice de 1967 du Consilium liturgique de Vatican II et l’opposition claire sur le sujet au Magistère de l’Eglise énoncé avec les marques de l’infaillibilité pontificale par le Pape Pie XII dans la consécration épiscopale (1947) et dans le code de Droit canon oriental (1957). Après avoir réfuté une à une les fausses affirmations de cet article, il présente les conséquences dramatiques pour l’Eglise de l’adoption en 1968 de ce rite invalide. L’important épisode 8 (1 heure) de la Saison 2 montre comment cet argumentaire erroné conduit aujourd’hui la Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint-Pie X (FSSPX) à intégrer dans ses rangs un pseudo-évêque invalide, « Mgr » Vitus Huonder, en présentant aux fidèles dans ses cérémonies publiques ce simple laïc comme un véritable évêque catholique validement sacré, mettant ainsi en péril prochain les sacrements valides distribués aux fidèles et la transmission valide du Sacerdoce sacrificiel catholique dans l’institution fondée par Mgr Lefebvre à cet effet. La figure de l’étrange Richard Nelson Williamson y est également évoquée dans cet épisode ; le leurre qu’il représente pour l’abbé Carlo Maria Vigano y est mis en lumière. Après avoir mentionné la fausse « Christologie de l’esprit » (Spiritus principalis) qui sous-tend le nouveau rite, le documentaire rend hommage aux principaux combattants qui s’opposèrent à ce nouveau rite non-catholique. Enfin, retraçant la chronologie comparée des apparitions mariales depuis 1830, les déclarations formelles du Magistère infaillible des Papes et les actions inspirées du démon pour conduire à l’éradication du Sacerdoce sacrificiel catholique, le documentaire expose comment l’Eglise catholique est éclipsée à travers l’extinction désormais progressive et biologique des lignées épiscopales de rite latin depuis 1969. Pourtant le pape Léon XIII avait bien solennellement averti la Sainte Eglise, confirmant la substance du secret de La Salette révélé par la Très Sainte Vierge Marie à la voyante Mélanie Calvat en 1846, puis par celle-ci aux fidèles en 1879, en rédigeant personnellement et en promulguant en 1890 sa supplique à Saint Michel Archange, en préambule au grand Exorcisme, puis en le faisant éditer en 1898 puis encore en 1903 juste avant sa mort : « Ubi sedes beatissimi Petri et Cathedra veritatis ad lucem gentium constituta est, ibi thronum posuerunt abominationis impietatis suae ; ut percusso Pastore, et gregem disperdere valeant. » (« Là où fut institué le siège du bienheureux Pierre, et la chaire de la Vérité, là ils ont posé le trône de leur abomination dans l’impiété ; en sorte que le pasteur étant frappé, le troupeau puisse être dispersé »). La Rome maîtresse de vérité a parlé, la cause est entendue.
Here is amazing pets videos to entertain and help you in care of pet.
45 FollowersPet's Cute videos
44 FollowersThe place to find banned & outlawed Documentaries 🚫☠️☣️⚠️ MY BITCHUTE CANNEL HAS THE FULL 11 PART "EUROPA LAST BATTLE" SERIES *****please post requests in the comment section*****
Scary videos/ Ghosts caught on camera/ Reaction/ Scariest videos
44 FollowersWelcome To My Channel, Please Subscribe!
44 FollowersChloeAriell
44 FollowersChanneller, Healer, Teacher, Author
44 Followersmariehibberd
44 FollowersDoggiescare
44 FollowersCancer,Vaccines, Gmo,Chemtrail. Documentaries
43 FollowersConspiracyDocumentaries
42 FollowersTheStarCatcher
42 FollowersMichaelArcangelus
42 FollowersAarcade
42 FollowersMarieWhiteAuthor
42 FollowersOver40Skincare
42 FollowersAnti-aging Skincare Beauty
Court in the Act True Crime Documentaries
41 FollowersThis channel condenses criminal trials. The focus is on the facts and circumstances surrounding criminal convictions, with no uninformed opinions or stock footage. Just real facts, real people and real places. I watch up to 180 hours of courtroom footage per trial, taking extensive notes and cross referencing the best instances of relevant evidence and testimony. I am very selective and will take numerous small snippets of the conclusive evidence , and stitch them together to present the proceedings of the trial. These are educational documentaries and authoritative news pieces based on actual police documents and case files. Our goal is to educate the public, inform our audience, and raise awareness. Please follow to keep up to date with new releases! Some Patreon content can be viewed for free without needing to become a member. Please check it out and support us if you can! All the best, Holly❤️
Official Lawn Care Nut
41 FollowersI'm the Lawn Care Nut - I give lawn tips so you can dominate your neighbors.
Documentaries from the past
41 FollowersHidden, deleted, removed and difficult to find history of the past
Документални филми / Documentaries
41 FollowersАз съм Ценка Стойчева и съм публицист, лектор, общественик, свръхсетивен диагностик и лечител, писател. Тук, на канала си, в поредица от кратки клипове ще представям различни аспекти на холистичния метод за диагностика и лечение, който разработих през изминалите 25 години, и който подробно описвам в книгите си "Новото лечителско изкуство" (2006) и "Мистичният феникс" (2021) ⭐️ "Новото лечителско изкуство" и Мистичният феникс" можете да си поръчате на следния имейл: ⭐️ Ако желаете, можете да ме подкрепите със скромна сума, като се абонирате за канала ми в Patreon ⭐️ Или чрез акаунта ми в PayPal ⭐️ Моята страница във Фейсбук ❤️ Линк за безплатно сваляне в ел. вариант на първата ми книга - "Сребърната нишка":
40 FollowersTesla Coils
39 FollowersThe Love of High Voltage
39 FollowersLawn Care Ninja
39 FollowersVlogs, reviews and helpful tips to help you grow your lawn care business
39 FollowersDocumentaries about 1970s progressive rock bands.
Health Documentaries
38 FollowersDarecare23
38 Followersninjacarebearzz
38 FollowersAncient History Documentaries
37 FollowersA collection of filmed documentaries in Ancient history used by my students in Ancient history courses. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the study of Ancient history. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for educational purposes. It is made available for loan on a person-to-person basis. Therefore, the reproduction in digital copies for teaching (including copies for online classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. Students or others who wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of their own that go beyond 'fair use' must obtain permission of the copyright holder. This channel also allows me to edit and prepare films to prepare them for my public and open channel. I am planning to use these to channels for my Russian History Films, Ancient History Films, American History Films, Modern Greek History Films, and future channels on World History.
37 FollowersChilling Scares
37 FollowersThis channel features a wide variety of true horror content. This includes, but is not limited to, first person horror stories and disturbing list videos.
Arcangelo Michele
37 FollowersArcangelo Michele
37 FollowersDocumentaries
37 FollowersThis Is a Documentaries\'s Channel,We will Sharing Most Interesting Documentaries In The World ,So If You Are Interested About Documentaries !! This is a Channel For You , You Will Enjoy To Watch Therefore Please Subscribe Our Channel And Help Us To Growing Our Channel ,Thank You Very Much .
Bible Prophecy
36 FollowersMissionaries of the Church to Warn the Church of the Eminent Return of Her Bridegroom