Sou Católico e amo Maria


É Católico e ama Maria? Esse canal é pra você!!! Maria é um dos maiores presentes de Jesus para nós – “Eis a tua Mãe!” (Jo 19:27) – assim como a Sua Igreja (Mt 16:18). De acordo com as Escrituras e Profecias de Nossa Senhora, iremos enfrentar "tempos difíceis", sobretudo dentro da Igreja Católica. Nosso maior objetivo é ajudar as pessoas a SE CONVERTEREM e SE PREPARAREM para esses tempos. Você pode, SIM, mudar a sua realidade e viver a vida que deseja na FÉ, tornando-a cada vez mais forte! E nós acreditamos que podemos te ajudar com Mensagens (contendo ensinamentos, pedidos, alertas e profecias) de Nossa Mãe Santíssima. Nossos vídeos com as Mensagens vão ao ar todas terças e sextas, pontualmente, às 12:00h. Se inscreva no Canal, ative o sininho e compartilhe com seus amigos. Salve almas! ❤️

Tiny Home Entrepreneur, Pilot, Marine


Marine Corps pilot turned Tiny Home Entrepreneur discusses bringing back the art of Manliness that is paramount to the future of a free society, and ensuring our most precious assets, our families, are taken care of. This will be a no BS dive into what it takes to create Million-Heirs, capable of perpetuating the highest morals and ideals that are so desperately desired by a self-reliant society. From flying attack helicopters in Afghanistan, to creating multiple multi-million dollar companies, to raising 4 kids to be productive members of society and having a HELLUVA fun time along the way! You're going to get a "No-Holds-Bared" delivery. All I ask is that you come prepared to learn, have some fun, and leave no question unasked. I place it upon myself to give you my all, so please, hold me to the highest standard. Here's to your wealth!

Fletcher Farms Amarillo


Welcome to Fletcher Farms Amarillo! Follow along on journey of purchasing 43 acres in Amarillo Texas. Our journey began at the beginning of 2022. It all started with a donkey who we found on Craigslist needing a new home. Jack couldn't be the only animal on the farm so we rescued a mom and 1 week old baby donkey from going to slaughter along with 6 Belgian Draft Horses to join the donkeys on the farm. Come to find out the momma donkey was pregnant when we rescued her and she had a baby in January 2023. After learning the horrible treatment of these horse that are at livestock yards we knew we wanted to help as many as we could. At the end of 2022, we applied for and received 501c3 status to start a Non-Profit organization called the Big Hoof Foundation to save more of the "Big Hoof" horses. Since starting the farm and foundation we have rescued 25 Belgian Draft horses from shipping to slaughter. Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss anything happening here around the farm!