Great Lakes Lighthouses


Shining Light into a dark world with an emphasis on the State of Michigan to guide voyageurs to the Truth . Luke 9:16 Then He took the Five loaves, and two fishes... "...therefore (O Lord) raise up faithful distributors of thy mysteries, who setting apart all worldly respects, may both in their life and doctrine only seek thy glory. Continually confound Satan, Antichrist, with all hirelings, whom thou hast already cast off into a reprobate sense, that they may not by sects, schisms, heresies, and errors, disquiet thy little flock. And because, O Lord, we be fallen into the latter days and dangerous times, wherein ignorance hath gotten the upper hand, and Satan by his Ministers seeks by all means to quench the light of thy Gospel: we beseech thee to maintain thy cause against those ravening Wolves and strengthen all thy servants, whom they keep in prison and bondage. Let not thy long suffering be an occasion, either to increase their tyranny, or to discourage thy children: neither yet let our sins and wickedness, be an hindrance to thy mercies, but with speed (O Lord) consider their great misery".



国際プロジェクト「クリエイティブな社会」は、世界中の人々によって始められました。 今日の社会では消費者主義が支配的であり人類を行き詰まっていることがわかります。2019年5月11日、世界的オンライン会議「社会。最後のチャンス」において、人々はこの問題を提起し、新しいクリエイティブな社会の構築が不可欠であるという共通の意見を表明しました。この会議のユニークな形式は、人々が行動を起こすきっかけとなりました。なぜなら、彼らは誠実な意見を述べ、自分たちの人生と私たちの共通の未来に責任を持つことができたからです。 この段階では、世界中の人々からクリエイティブ·ソサエティに住みたいかどうかを知るとともに、その可能性を一般の人々に伝えることを目標としています。 ここでは、世界180カ国以上の人々が制作したビデオをご覧いただけます。 このイニシアチブに参加して、次のサイトにアクセスしてください:

창조적 사회 TV


"창조적 사회"라는 국제적인 프로젝트는 전 세계 사람들에 의해 시작되었습니다. 현대 사회에서 지배적인 소비자 형식, 우리 모두는 그것이 인류를 막다른 골목으로 이끌고 있다는 것을 알고 있다. 2019년 5월 11일, 글로벌 온라인 컨퍼런스 “사회.마지막 기회로” 사람들은 이 문제를 제기하며 새로운 창조사회를 건설하는 것이 필수적이라는 공통된 의견을 피력했다. 그 회의의 독특한 형식은 사람들이 그들의 진실한 의견을 표현할 수 있었고 그들 자신의 삶과 우리의 공동 미래를 책임질 수 있었기 때문에 행동에 나서도록 영감을 주었습니다. 이 단계에서 세계인들이 창조적 사회에서 살고 싶은지 알아보고, 그 가능성을 대중에게 알리는 것을 목표로 설정했다. 이곳에서는 전 세계 180여 개국에서 온 사람들이 제작한 영상을 볼 수 있다. 이 이니셔티브에 참여하고 다음 사이트를 방문하십시오.

Creative With Cancer


Welcome to Creative with Cancer! Hi, my name is Cindy. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer in the summer of 2022. I decided to take that first step in creating a channel with the goal of share my journey of fighting and living with cancer in a creative way. I want to create a community of cancer warriors. Thank you for following my journey and supporting the channel. Let’s battle cancer together. We can do this! Please Follow My Channel Thank you for watching. Please support the GoFundMe that was setup on my behalf to assist with the burdens of my medical expenses. Link is:

Creative Society Malayalam മലയാളം


"ക്രിയേറ്റീവ് സൊസൈറ്റി" എന്ന അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര പദ്ധതി ലോകമെമ്പാടുമുള്ള ആളുകൾ ആരംഭിച്ചു. ഇന്നത്തെ സമൂഹത്തിൽ ഉപഭോക്തൃത്വം ആധിപത്യം പുലർത്തുന്നു, അത് മനുഷ്യരാശിയെ നിർജീവാവസ്ഥയിലേക്ക് നയിക്കുന്നതായി നാമെല്ലാവരും കാണുന്നു. 2019 മെയ് 11-ന് ആഗോള ഓൺലൈൻ കോൺഫറൻസിൽ “സൊസൈറ്റി. അവസാന അവസരം", ആളുകൾ ഈ പ്രശ്നം ഉന്നയിക്കുകയും ഒരു പുതിയ സർഗ്ഗാത്മക സമൂഹം കെട്ടിപ്പടുക്കുക എന്നത് ഒരു സുപ്രധാന ആവശ്യമാണെന്ന പൊതു അഭിപ്രായം പ്രകടിപ്പിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു. കോൺഫറൻസിന്റെ സവിശേഷമായ ഫോർമാറ്റ് ആളുകളെ നടപടിയെടുക്കാൻ പ്രേരിപ്പിച്ചു, കാരണം അവർക്ക് അവരുടെ ആത്മാർത്ഥമായ അഭിപ്രായം പ്രകടിപ്പിക്കാനും അവരുടെ സ്വന്തം ജീവിതത്തിനും നമ്മുടെ പൊതു ഭാവിക്കും ഉത്തരവാദിത്തം ഏറ്റെടുക്കാനും കഴിഞ്ഞു. ഈ ഘട്ടത്തിൽ, ലോകമെമ്പാടുമുള്ള ആളുകളിൽ നിന്ന് അവർ ക്രിയേറ്റീവ് സൊസൈറ്റിയിൽ ജീവിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നുണ്ടോ എന്ന് കണ്ടെത്താനും ഈ സാധ്യതയെക്കുറിച്ച് പൊതുജനങ്ങളെ അറിയിക്കാനും ഞങ്ങൾ ലക്ഷ്യം വെക്കുന്നു. ലോകമെമ്പാടുമുള്ള 180-ലധികം രാജ്യങ്ങളിൽ നിന്നുള്ള ആളുകൾ നിർമ്മിച്ച വീഡിയോകൾ ഇവിടെ കാണാം. ഈ സംരംഭത്തിൽ ചേരുക, വെബ്സൈറ്റ് സന്ദർശിക്കുക



“Sociedad Creativa” es un proyecto de toda la humanidad que ofrece la oportunidad de llevar nuestra civilización de forma pacífica a una nueva etapa de desarrollo evolutivo en el menor tiempo posible. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es CONSTRUIR LA SOCIEDAD CREATIVA A NIVEL MUNDIAL en la que la Vida Humana tenga el máximo valor. OBJETIVOS DEL PROYECTO: Crear las condiciones para construir una sociedad creativa en todo el planeta a través de medios pacíficos. Preguntar a la gente de todo el mundo si quieren vivir en una sociedad creativa, y cómo la ven. Proporcionar una plataforma para una discusión global, internacional y abierta del concepto y modelo de la sociedad creativa en todas las esferas de la vida humana. Encontrar nuevas formas de unir a toda la humanidad y crear condiciones para la participación activa de cada persona en la vida de la sociedad, independientemente de su condición social, religión o nacionalidad.

5 Minutes by Great Meditation


Welcome to 5 Minutes by Great Meditation, a new Channel. All our videos consist of our own original guided meditations, written, recorded and produced by one of our own team members. We are focused on providing short, easy-to-follow guided meditations that can fit into even the busiest of schedules. Our 5 minute meditations are designed to help you relax, unwind, and find a moment of calm in your day. Whether you are new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, we have something for everyone. So take a break, find a comfortable spot, and join us for a quick meditation to help you refresh and recharge. Thank you for choosing 5 Minutes by Great Meditation.

Creative on the Mend


This channel is to inspire and to go and create! As a creative on the Mend, I started this channel to stay busy to help me recover from addictions and bad habits in my life. I wanted to create a day in my life faith-related videos as daily vlogs. To make your dream of success and inspire you with motivational videos. As a single dad, I am starting again into Entrepreneurship, starting a faith-based Christian media company. I started over at 50 years old. Please join me on the Christian Vlogger journey and maybe some creative advice as I strive to live a supernatural life with Jesus Christ leading my life. Thanks for watching Jeff Adams ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Click "Show More." #faith #ChristianVlog #relatable #vlogs #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #motivational #CreativeontheMendwithJeffAdams #TheJeffAdams #DAILYVLOGSFLORIDA #ChristianAdvice #creativeadvice #JesusChrist #thesupernaturallife #JeffAdams #motivation #dayinlife #inspirational #dream #dailyvlogs #addiction #faithreleatedvideos #thejeffadamsvlogger #howtobethatchristianguy #christianyoutubers #christianinspiration #rumblevlogger #rumble #rumblechristian ====================================== Watch all the vlogs! Here- ====================================== Click here to buy Creative on the mend merch Hats, T-shirt, hoodie and more: Clothing Merchandise 🎙Like the daily News? Check out The Jeff Adams Show: ====================================== ℹ️ To help support our tech and adventures, become a Patreon: ====================================== Send mail: Revivalist Media 6551 N Orange Blossom Trail Suite 209 #7 Mount Dora, FL 32757 ====================================== _ 👋 CONNECT WITH #creativeonthemend ________________________ 💙 FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: 💙 FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: 💙 FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: 💙 FOLLOW US ON TIKTOK: 💙 FOLLOW US ON Truth Social 💙 FOLLOW US ON Gettr 💙 EMAIL US:

Benu Creative


Most businesses struggle to define their brand. We help businesses discover who they are to develop a brand that’s authentic to them, creating loyalty and trust with their audience and people. \\\\n\\\\nThe content we produce on this channel is dedicated to providing actionable brand strategies so you can build a strong, authentic brand identity, and improve your brand awareness.\\\\n\\\\nIf you want your brand to stand out and Build Brandurance then be sure to subscribe. \\\\n\\\\nWe launch new videos every second and fourth Tuesday of the month with topics ranging from:\\\\n- Discovering the purpose of your business through mission and values \\\\n- Developing stronger messaging to showcase your brand\\\\\\\'s unique value \\\\n- Step-by-step strategies to improve your brand presence\\\\n- And much more...\\\\n\\\\nJoin us as we help you Define Your Brand, Design Your Brand, and Live Your Brand\\\\n\\\\nVisit us at @ benucreative

Miss Annas's Creative Kids Verified


Welcome to Miss Anna's Creative Kids! 🌟 This channel is dedicated to making learning fun and engaging for babies and toddlers. Here, your little ones will embark on exciting educational journeys filled with songs, nursery rhymes, interactive games, and playful activities that promote language development, cognitive skills, and social-emotional growth. Follow along as we explore the world of colors, shapes, numbers, letters, animals, and more through captivating videos designed to keep your child entertained and learning. Subscribe now and let the learning begin! 🚀