GKE-Presents: *True Way of Life*[Following {Jesus/Yehoshua/Immanuel}-The Christ]


Check-Out the show, come deep into to rabbit hole of The Matrix and find Out if your a true player and just an npc. Kickback and stimulate your mind with Real Talk about Real life. The episode is a preview of a few heated topics most people avoid due to The Matrix controversy. This season we're going deep into the rabbit hole, topic of Jesus and the truth, how to live life better, The Matrix and how to navigate it. Grand Knew Empire - NFT Collections https://opensea.io/GKE_Empire https://cash.app/$GrandKnew paypal.me/goanhamm https://www.grandknew.com https://www.instagram.com/gke_empire https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsrDMdu8Rnmde0Fssb-2dzw https://rumble.com/c/c-2464952

Joy Fellowship Online


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