A podcast to help you get prepared for the unexpected.


The Get Ready Podcast is here to help you get started in preparing for a grid down situation. Our first 10 episodes will take you from zero to 3 months worth of preparations in everything from food to ammo to medicine. We have exciting guests on our show that teach little known solutions to every day problems we could face in the event of the end of the world as we know it. On this channel we will feature behind the scenes videos, gun related content as well as anything else that is interesting to the Get Ready Podcast community.

Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC


“One of the inescapable encumbrances of leading an interesting life is that there have to be moments when you almost lose it.” ― Jimmy Buffett, A Pirate Looks at Fifty Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC is comprised of a dedicated and experienced group of Adventurers who's primary goal- through extensive field work and investigation, is to secure the ultimate proof of the existence of Bigfoot. In pursuit of our goal to secure the ultimate proof of the existence of Bigfoot, we conduct one major field operation per year into a remote and hostile wilderness area that is calculated to yield the best proof of Bigfoot's existence- which many times involves an up close and personal with Mr. Big himself. That being said, our expeditions are not for everyone as they generally revolve around activities that involve significant elements of danger. In any event, we at Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC view these hazards as nothing more than minor inconveniences- which we may encounter.