Just Another Truth Show


Welcome back to another Random chit chat with your favorite random chit chatters. \\\\nJust a group of like-minded people trying to navigate through this realm.\\\\nWe bring a variety of topics to the table from politics to paranormal to observably flat earth truths. \\\\nWe are "LIVE" ALMOST every night.\\\\nAnd if we aren\\\\\\\'t doing a show, we do Movie/Documentary Nights on Twitch and DLive only.\\\\n\\\\nWatch Replays On Rumble: \\\\nhttps://rumble.com/c/c-344365\\\\n\\\\nThank you all for hanging with us\\\\nTo tip the show visit: \\\\nhttps://streamlabs.com/amandaglobeden​...\\\\n​Paypal paypal.me/Adame2121\\\\nPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/anotherfkingt​\\\\n​\\\\n​​Follow us:\\\\nJust Another Truth Show: \\\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiEe4fpC4l4TkX6ahc4k-gQ\\\\nJATS 2: \\\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpAu...​\\\\n\\\\nThat Flat Fellow: \\\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9mI...​\\\\n\\\\nAmanda GD: \\\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEoC...​\\\\nhttps://gab.com/AmandaGD​\\\\n​​https://twitter.com/JourneysMomma21​\\\\n​​​​​https://mewe.com/i/amandaadame2​\\\\n​https://www.facebook.com/AmandaGD21/​\\\\n​\\\\n​\\\\n​DLive: \\\\nhttps://dlive.tv/AmandaGD​\\\\n​​​​Twitch: \\\\nhttps://www.twitch.tv/amandagd21

Anything which have demand can be post here

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Welcome to Bexter0! This is the place to be for all your favorite videos related to Funny, Anime or Music. We feature engaging content that will inform, entertain, and inspire you. Whether you're looking for insightful commentary, how-to tutorials, or just some good old-fashioned entertainment, you'll find it all here on our channel. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay up-to-date with our latest uploads. Thank you for visiting Bexter0 on Rumble!


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I am hearing impaired and I will be making these videos in typing only. I had my ministry on YT by talking until I cannot hear much of my talking anymore. This is my backup channel. I hear from the Lord audibly, in dreams and visions. I will lead to share what is given. I am not above anyone else nor am I above my master Yeshua Jesus Christ of Nazarene. My main goal is souls and in hopes in anything the Lord gives me is meant for them to get their hearts right and be ready for his return and to bring all truths whether you want to accept it or not. I am not here for socializing but in obedience to my task in fulfilling the Lord\\\'s will however long he needs me. Take everything in prayer in whatever you hear and seek him. If you feel led to share please do all for God\\\'s glory! Have a great day and may God bless you richly! For prayer or questions that you may have please email me at mlmitchell1077@gmail.com