Artist & Thinker


Immigrant Artist & Thinker arrived 30 years ago to the United States. Supporting myself with my art. Will post art related content and opinion pieces on life or social political events worldwide. Renaissance woman! Artist. Born in France. Lived in France and Germany for 30 years. Now living in the US for 27 years. Started to make art my full time pursuit in 1999. Since then I have painted and sold over 2000 paintings in watercolor as well as oil. My website is

Everything Cannabis


Welcome to Everything Cannabis where we talk about EVERYTHING CANNABIS. For decades there has been an unfair stigma placed on this magical plant, which lead to many missed opportunities in helping educate people around the world. At Everything Cannabis, we believe patients deserve to know the truth. Our goal with this channel is to help provide education and share stories of individuals who have experienced the healing effects of this plant. As a team, we want to assume we don't know anything, so we are looking forward to diving deeper and deeper into the mysterious and lesser-known world of cannabis. If you're in the cannabis space or have experienced incredible benefits from cannabis, we’d love it if you’d share them with us in the comments section. For more information, visit us at, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.