世界にはインターネット・乗り物・そして配達など当たり前の物は確かに存在している。 しかし・・・ある天変地域と世界の破滅により当たり前の物が消えた時に人類はどうするか? 世界に繋がる配達のシステムが崩壊された時どうするのか? 世界は当たり前の物が崩壊してしまい配達のシステムの崩壊! そして聖者の世界と死者の世界が繋がり地球環境が崩壊された中で・・・ 一人の配達人が存在していた。 その名前がサム・ポーター・ブリッジズと呼ぶ。

Weather gurl dani


Hi everyone! I am Danielle, a 19 yr old Jamaican aspiring to become a meteorologist. My channel is centered around providing you with accurate updates as it relates to tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic basin and the Eastern Pacific among other weather related phenomena. I have always been fond of nature but my passion for tropical cyclones was ignited during the 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season then further intensified when Hurricane Matthew made a close approach to my country. Since then, it's been a hobby of mine to study as much as I can about various atmospheric phenomena especially tropical cyclones. As I continue to learn more and develop and strengthen my knowledge base, it is my desire to keep you all up-to-date on tropical cyclone activity each hurricane season so don't hesitate to subscribe so you can stay updated on what's going on in the Tropics and as always, remember to be Weather Wise. NB: My channel is not affiliated with the Meteorological Service of Jamaica.