Feathered Beauties: A Symphony of Colors


Welcome to ChillStation99, where we take you on a mesmerizing journey into the fascinating world of birds. In this video, we explore the diverse and beautiful avian species, showcasing their unique behaviors, vibrant plumage, and enchanting songs. 🐦 Explore the Avian Kingdom: Join us as we delve into the lives of these incredible creatures, capturing moments of grace and beauty in their natural habitats. 🌿 Nature's Symphony: Immerse yourself in the enchanting melodies of birdsong as we witness these feathered friends in their element. From playful antics to serene moments, our video brings you closer to the magic of birdwatching. 🎥 Subscribe and Stay Tuned: If you love birds and want to embark on a virtual birdwatching adventure, make sure to subscribe to ChillStation99. Hit the bell icon to receive notifications about our upcoming videos that celebrate the wonders of the avian world.

Moving to Colorado Springs


I LOVE helping and answering questions about LIFE in Colorado Springs. If I can help you make that transition smoother, reach out ANY time. I'm here for you! ⛰️ Thinking of moving to Colorado Springs CO? 📲 I can help! Call/text me here 👉🏻 719.315.5016 📧 Email me here 👉🏻 irisjburton@gmail.com 📅 Schedule me here 👉🏻 https://irisburton.com/colorado-springs-real-estate-agent 🔔 Subscribe here 👉🏻 bit.ly/iris_on_youtube 🔗 Links • Relocating to Colorado Springs? Download the free guide and checklist! https://www.irisburton.com/relocating-to-colorado-springs • Learn MORE: https://bit.ly/irisburton • Data in videos provided by the following sites (not opinion): → https://www.greatschools.org/colorado/colorado-springs/schools/ → https://www.niche.com/places-to-live/colorado-springs-el-paso-co/ → https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/elpasocountycolorado → https://www.spotcrime.com All stats, data, housing prices and information, and any other data is ALWAYS subject to change and is provided simply as an example or information at the time of this recording. _________________________________________ Living the Springs, LLC RE/MAX Properties, Inc. 102 South Tejon Street Colorado Springs, CO 80903 #irisburton #coloradospringsliving #movingtocoloradosprings #coloradospringsneighborhoods #coloradospringsrealestate #remaxagent ⚠️ Videos are for entertainment and general educational purposes only. No information whether implied or otherwise offers warranties or guarantees of any kind regarding completeness or accuracy, or provides the assumption of anything being a good option or fit for you personally. Buying real estate is a risk as with any other investment. Each person is different so unless I'm your real estate agent, do not consider this advice in your personal real estate decisions and dealings. Do your own diligence on the information provided. I do not claim expertise in any field outside of real estate. I am a real estate agent with RE/MAX Properties in Colorado Springs CO. Each person's situation is unique and SUBJECT TO terms and qualifications. Please privately consult a professional in the area of expertise in question including myself. I want you to be successful! ♥ Find out more about your Colorado Springs real estate agent at https://www.irisburton.com. All content provided on YouTube belongs to Iris Burton and cannot be used without prior written permission. Colorado Real Estate License: 100089541



Bring love to this world and make it a little bit of a better place. passionate about painting and want to share our love for this art form with you. Our channel is dedicated to providing high-quality painting tutorials for beginners and experienced artists alike. Whether you're looking to improve your skills, learn new techniques, or just relax and enjoy the process of painting, we have something for you. Our tutorials cover a wide range of subjects, from landscapes and animals to still life and abstract art. I'm a creative person and I enjoy doing different kinds of crafts with my own hands. Also, I adore giving such crafts as presents to my relatives and friends! I've recently decided to share my ideas with you! I hope my experiments will both motivate and inspire you to create and do different things with your own hands. Hand-made presents are the best ones! Please and surprise your near and dear ones! ColorfulCreations is a community for art lovers and like-minded creatives to come together and share ideas, techniques, and processes to inspire each other. Whatever your particular talent, skill level, or interest might be, here at ColorfulCreations we have something to suit you! follow now and join the community, enjoy amazing artists and videos, which will hopefully inspire you to create!

Como Eu Te Amo Tricolor


Seja Bem Vindo(a) Ao Canal Como Eu Te Amo Tricolor! Salve Nação, Satisfação Ter Você Aqui, Esse Canal é Dedicado ao Nosso Querido e Amado São Paulo Futebol Clube. Como Eu Te Amo Tricolor, é um Canal de Notícias do São Paulo, Voltado Para Compartilhar De Forma Simples e Objetiva, Tudo Que Diz Respeito ao São Paulo FC. Informações, Notícias, Entrevistas, Bastidores, Curiosidades, Mercado da Bola, Reforços, Transferências, Gols, Jogadores, Melhores Momentos, Entre Outros. Um Olhar Diferenciado Sobre o Nosso Querido e Amado São Paulo Futebol Clube. Contatos: 🗸INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/comoeuteamotricolorspfc 🗸PINTEREST: https://br.pinterest.com/comoeuteamotricolorspfc 🗸TUMBLR: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/comoeuteamotricolor 🗸YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/comoeuteamotricolor 🗸BLOG: https://comoteamotricolorspfc.blogspot.com 🗸FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sptricolorfc 🗸TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SPFCamotricolor 🗸E-MAIL: comoeuteamotricolorspfc@gmail.com