News and Current Events


The Joshua Hart Lykins platform is devoted to covering news, politics, current events, career growth, success, health, and wellness!! His oath is to maintain the integrity of the United States through his reporting. He is a professional Analyst with 10+ years of experience including extensive corporate management within Fortune 100 companies. Our highest priority today is reigning in an Authoritarian Government that believes it can pick-and-choose who is allowed to have a job! Who is allowed medical care!? Who are allowed to shop in stores!? With vaccine mandates and many other policies that have gone way, way too far, it falls on the American people to come together to remind the government that they exist solely to SERVE the people, not RULE the people! If you’d like to support the growth of this imperative, we desperately need your help to gain traction in the busy social media world. I’m looking for partners, let me know how you can help!! 🇺🇸 - Joshua Hart Lykins

Oficjalny i jedyny kanał YouTube ks. Dominika Chmielewskiego


Oficjalny i jedyny kanał YouTube ks. Dominika Chmielewskiego Wszelkie materiały przedstawione na kanale KERCHARITOMENE są objęte prawem autorskim i podlegają ochronie na mocy „Ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych” z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. (tekst ujednolicony: Dz.U. 2006 nr 90 poz. 631). Kopiowanie, przetwarzanie, rozpowszechnianie tych materiałów w całości lub w części bez zgody autora jest zabronione.

NexVerse News Network:"Exploring the Uncharted, Unveiling the Unusual"


At NexVerse News Network, we invite you to embark on an extraordinary journey through the news of our ever-evolving world. As we delve into the depths of current events, we strive to bring you not just the headlines, but the unique perspectives and untold stories that exist within our multiverse of information. In a realm where the unusual meets the everyday and the extraordinary becomes the norm, we are your guides to the NexVerse – a realm of news unlike any other. Our mission is to shed light on the peculiar, the enigmatic, and the offbeat aspects of our planet and beyond. Join us as we navigate through the uncharted territories of global affairs, science, culture, and beyond. At NexVerse News Network, we are dedicated to unraveling the mysteries, celebrating the marvels, and uncovering the hidden gems that make our world a place of endless fascination. Stay tuned, stay curious, and let the NexVerse be your gateway to news like you've never experienced before. Welcome to a universe of knowledge, intrigue, and discovery!