420 Accessories & Gadgets


Welcome and thanks for watching. My name is Sho Love, I hope you had a Good day. In this video you will see funny moments and 420 Gadget collection This is a short video I hope you enjoy, Don't forget to subscribe and leave a funny comment thanks 🙏🏿 Please leave suggestions and feedback, we hope you like the videos If you enjoy the videos, please subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much Don't forget to check out the playlist I update it every week.

Hippie Biju Acessórios Artesanais


Bem-vindos a Hippie Biju Arts! Aqui a gente compartilha tudo sobre pedras, cristais e símbolos que usamos para criar nossa arte. Temos vários vídeos mostrando nossos produtos artesanais, como colares de pedras e cristais, colares de arame, colares de biscuit, colares pirografados na madeira, colares de casal, colares da amizade e pulseiras da amizade, pulseiras de bolinha, brincos pirografados na madeira, brincos de biscuit, filtros dos sonhos e outros. Inscreva-se em nosso canal para ficar por dentro de todas as novidades. Valeu por visitar a Hippie Biju Arts!

Cesium Politics Verified


My name is Cesium and for as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with societal change and evolution. The rise and fall of movements, ideologies, and governments has profound implications for human history. As we move forward in the 21st century I cannot help but feel that our current societies are undergoing a state of rapid evolution with historical watershed moments seeming more and more likely within our lifetimes. Given my background as a history major I can't help but find this to be both exciting and worrying. This channel is my way of documenting the changes going. I prefer to focus on subjects related to the US but will occasionally talk about more international concerns. I hope you are interested in hearing what I have to say about our changing world. "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen"--Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.