Quick Home Workouts


Welcome to my channel! 🖐 Get fit, healthy & mentaly strong with my home workouts. ♡ free fitness videos; ♡ different versions: beginner, with/no equipment, low impact, hiit, quick workouts; ♡ have a look at the YouTube Playlists to filter the workouts depending on your level! 🤸‍♀️ I want to show you my way how I will make my body fit after last pregnancy. It will be not first time for me, therefore I can share my exprerience such as regaining fit body after childbirths. I have learn all experience from my own path and I will be glad to share it with you. I achieve my goals slowly, but surely. I hope my channel will benefit you and give you positive energy!❤️ 🌿 Instagram: oksana_siberga 🌿



MISSION STATEMENT The Berks County Patriots organization is a non-profit, non-partisan group located in Southeastern Pennsylvania. We are committed to restoring and promoting the conservative values and ideals espoused in America's founding documents. "We are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights" including life, liberty, property, free speech, a free market, and the pursuit of happiness. A limited government is necessary to ensure these rights for the people. Berks County Patriots is also committed to the following and more: Protection of the unborn. We believe life begins at conception. Bringing an end to School Property Tax. The protection of our Second Amendment rights. Bringing an end to unconstitutional taxpayer-funded politicians' pensions. Supporting the cost reduction of the most expensive full time legislature in the nation. Working to improve Pennsylvania's economic rating, currently the poorest in the nation. Continuing to speak out against political corruption in Pennsylvania, the most blatant in the nation. Seeking out candidates who support for a Right to Work Law to make our state competitive for business and jobs. You are welcome to review our bylaws. ​ Monthly Meetings WHEN: Join us on the 3rd Thursday of the month (except December it is the 2nd Thursday) WHERE: Hamburg Field House, Pine Street, Hamburg, PA 19526 TIME: Doors open at 6:00 pm; meeting is from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. * The Berks County Patriots meetings are free to attend. Donations are kindly and thankfully accepted.

Videos von Robert Henderson


Robert Henderson hat ein Mandat und eine Botschaft für unsere Zeit! Sein Anliegen ist es, Gemeinden und Gläubige wach zu rütteln, so dass sie sich ihrer Berufung bewusst werden. Sie sollen nicht nur Träger (Botschafter) des Evangeliums der Errettung sein, sondern auch des Evangeliums über das Reich Gottes in der gegenwärtigen Zeit; und dies in der Kraft Gottes. Seine Botschaften sind stark unter der Salbung des Heiligen Geistes. Robert vermittelt ein Verständnis und eine Offenbarung, dass Gemeinden und Gläubige mit Christus an himmlischen Orten sitzen, aber auch dass sie aus dieser Dimension im Alltag leben und regieren. Seine Botschaften sind positiv, glaubensstärkend, siegreich und ausgewogen für die Endzeit.