Warrior | Mind Body & Soul Verified


We are a group of Christian men who are unashamedly fighting back. We understand the secular world is demonizing the natural order. The globalists want you to be isolated, fat, sick, ignorant and depressed - the better to control you and milk you for everything your worth while posing zero threat to their regime. There has been a terrifying drop in testosterone and sperm counts. Men and Masculinity as a result have retreated into pathetic spaces. Man Caves...fat men on the couch watching men athletic men having adventures for them while their own kids are being indoctrinated against their own strength.

The Ken Coleman Show - Full Episodes Verified


Join Ken Coleman, two-time national bestselling author, as he delivers practical advice to help you win in work at life. Do you feel stuck in your job? Do you dread going to work on Monday mornings? Do you want to do work that matters? The Ken Coleman Show is for you. Through the years, Ken has interviewed leading experts in business, sports, entertainment and politics. Now, he’s here to help answer your questions about career, passion and talent so you can maximize your potential. If you have a question for Ken, call 844.747.2577 and subscribe to The Ken Coleman Show today. Call Ken at 844-747-2577 or email ask@kencoleman.com.

The TRUTH About Everything


See description box's for the 8 FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS #TEAMYAHAWASHAI shares. I have proven that the Earth is a PLANE. NOT A "planet"! I am deeply spiritual. I worship the Creator of this world YaHaWaHa, who is the Elohim of the Bible, and his son our Savior Yahawashai (the name jesus was created in the 1600's by the jesuits after the letter "J" was created). I also know that this "reality" is not the one described by kabbalistic materiality, and that it is more accurately described as a VIRTUAL REALITY/SIMULATION/ or REALM. I started my channel in 2012 and chose the name Awake Souls with the purpose of waking people up to the true nature of Earth, and who the CREATOR our world is.

Faithfully Engaged


Are you tired of content that leads you to feeling angry and apathetic about life? There are certainly issues in our culture that are difficult to process through. However, sitting in angry and apathy does you no good! Faithfully Engaged is a podcast which is centered on action. Is something in the culture making you angry? Maybe you have a good reason of feeling angry! But what are you going to do about it? This show interviews guests that are actively engaging culture around them. Sit back and drink some coffee and listen to these impactful conversations. The host of this podcast is Johnny Sanders. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor based in Oklahoma. He owns his own Christian Counseling Practice, Truth & Grace Counseling.

The Leebulls


Welcome to THE LEEBULLS! We are a goofy family that always likes to have a great time. We were vlogging before it was cool. It all started when Chris got his first video camera when he was 11 years old. Hanging out with his cousins was always one of the highlights of his childhood, so he wanted to capture those memories to relive for years to come. Now, join Chris, his cousin Dylan & other cousins John, Eden, Camren and friends on their adventures..starting allilill the way back from 2004..to present day! Hope you enjoy watching the adventures as much as we had making them!