The Belairs Show Band


This Channel is dedicated to the music of THE BELAIRS SHOW BAND. The Belairs are a Las Vegas style show group playing 1950s and 1960s music, complete with costumes and choreography. The Belairs feature four-part harmony and dynamic impersonations of the great oldies stars of the past. The Show includes tributes to Roy Orbison, Dion, Dusty Springfield, Billy Joe Royal, Jackie Wilson, Tom Jones, Leslie Gore, Neil Diamond and many more favorites from the past. The Belairs Show is dedicated to those who can appreciate the memorable tunes that moved your feet and harmonies that lifted your spirits. Bring back the dreams of a simple time, memories and loves of the past, and romantic moonlight evenings. Rock \'n Roll down memory lane with The Belairs.

Boris Le Lay


Boris Le Lay, né le 8 juillet 1981 à Quimper, est un blogueur et militant français néonazi. Nationaliste breton, il anime le site extrémiste et le site democratieparticipative, ouvertement néonazi, antisémite, homophobe et raciste. En fuite depuis plusieurs années au Japon, il cumule plus de dix ans de condamnations à de la prison ferme, une fiche S, une notice rouge et treize mandats de recherche. Ces mesures sont inopérantes en l'absence de convention d'extradition entre la France et le Japon.

Build Model Airplane


Learn how to build a Model Airplane. Using FreeCad software, 3D Printer, Fiberglass Wings and Fuselage 1. Go To , Download Page. 2. Download the FreeCad Deck drawings i made, as seen in video two of 'Build Model Airplane' Channel. 3. DLG Airplane HSP70-5 Freecad drawings I made. This is what we are going to build in 'DLG Model Airplane' channel. 4. Download HSP70 Calculations for our project. 5. Download 'Useful links', 'help info' and URL's for Videos.

On The X with Doc St. Clair


A realistic and based view of U.S. domestic politics, popular culture, and geopolitics. On the X is military jargon for being in a world of hurt. Doc St. Clair posits that the United States of America, and the world as a whole, is in serious trouble. What sets this podcast apart is that he brings the primary sources to support his claims. Doc St. Clair is a former U.S. Army Combat Medic (68W). After being wounded in combat in Iraq, he was reclassified and trained as an All-Source Intelligence Analyst (35F). He also served as a DOD Intelligence Officer (0132) where he covered the Russia account for more than a decade.



We started out as a group Of friends who were also gamers. We loved to play but wanted more for our own games. Playing a table top game requires a ton of imagination, that's one of the reasons we love it so much. But when you have something that can push your imagination. inspire it, the game get's that much better. We started designing board pieces and accessories that we wanted to use in our games, and quickly realized we had something anyone who plays table top fantasy games would be interested in. So, we thought bigger. From Dungeons & Dragons, to HeroQuest, and everything in between, we want to help you make the most of your games. Our focus on quality means that whether you are the Dungeon Master or a level 5 Half-Orc Barbarian who just needs to hit something with their axe, we can help you create the best experience for your game! We are a small company focused on providing you the highest quality gaming terrain and accessories for all your fantasy gaming needs. We are dedicated in helping you create the most legendary gaming experiences possible! From mystical fire totems, to medieval torture devices. We create the pieces you want to help bring your world to life! Our core values below represent the principles and beliefs that help us live up to your expectations each and every day!