Randall Franks - Share America Foundation, Inc.


Actor/Entertainer Randall Franks, "Officer Randy Goode" from TV\'s "In the Heat of the Night," hosts and shares music, entertainers and interviews focusing on Appalachian Musical Arts in youth and the performers who encourage them. Share America Foundation, Inc., a 501-C-3 of Georgia, fosters the arts and preserves the history of Appalachia through the presentation of the Pearl and Floyd Franks Scholarship to youth who continue traditional music styles of the region. It also hosts special events and creates projects that perpetuate the Appalachian experience. It operates with a five-member volunteer board, currently including Chairman Gary Knowles, Vice Chairman Jimmy Terrell, Secretary James Pelt, President Randall Franks, and Vice President Jerry Robinson, and a task force of volunteers. The organization has assisted 30 college scholars thus far and numerous other youth in aspiring towards their musical goals through entertainer mentors, live performances, and creating opportunities for learning and success. Among the partners of the Share America Foundation are AirPlay Direct, Hillbilly Love, Round Up Grant from the North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation Foundation, Kiwanis Club of Ringgold, and the Wes and Shirley Smith Charitable Endowment and numerous individual donors.

Black N White America - Exposing the Gray


It is the mission that Black N White America brings to light the origins, motives, and means of the ideologies that create hot button issues in American. We believe ignorance, apathy, and indifference are the true destroyers of Our Society. We have seen media, politicians, and the academic society use or create ignorance for unjust gain or change. In all of these major issues there is the concept of “one side vs. the other side” Our leaders have pushed the idea of moderation in all things. Thus, creating a confusing GRAY Area. We are Patriots, Christians, and above all we strive to be honest. The truth will set you free.

Heart of A Shepherd Inc


Featured are inspirational messages and original daily devotional commentaries from www.HeartofAShepherd.com. Pastor Smith is continuing a chronological, 2-year daily Bible devotional schedule that began January 1, 2021 and is scheduled to conclude December 31, 2022. * You can become a regular subscriber of the Heart of a Shepherd daily devotionals, and have them sent directly to your email address. Please email your request to HeartofAShepherdInc@gmail.com. Copyright © 2022 – Travis D. Smith Heart of A Shepherd Inc is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3, and is a public charitable organization. Mailing address: Heart of A Shepherd Inc, 6201 Ehrlich Rd., Tampa, FL 33625. You can email HeartofAShepherdInc@gmail.com for more information on this daily devotional ministry.

Welcome To The Papi's Horror Gaming Channel


🟢Kick 🟣Twitch 🔴YouTube - Variety Streamer Entertainer of Horror Games, Indie Games, Old School Retro Games, Straight Edge Living, Jeep Riding, Hiking Nut, Daredevil at times, & ALWAYS up for the Challenge. How-tos, Tutorials, and DIY of whatever comes to mind. Your Vibe will attract your Tribe. Lots of laughter so join me on Twitch & let’s play. Exact times may vary. Looking for cool T-shirts, coffee mugs, stickers, and more to rock? Swing by my store and pick one up today. Choose from the PapiGrayBeard logo to the Black Sheep "I Am That Guy" logo, from "The Brains" to the Papi Sauce Bottle and more. Every purchase helps support the Stream greatly so thank you. 🥰🥰🥰 Check it out: https://papigraybeard.myspreadshop.com Main Channel - Horror Gaming: Youtube.com/@papigraybeard Second Channel - Retro Gaming: YouTube.com/@PapiGrayBeardRetro Third Channel - Reaction Videos: Youtube.com/@papigraybeardX Forth Channel - Behind the Scenes/Health: Youtube.com/@papichronicles Social Website: beacons.ai/PapiGrayBeard Tips and Donations: paypal.com/paypalme/papigraybeard Social Media Links: Twitch.tv/PapiGrayBeard YouTube.com/PapiGrayBeard Kick.com/PapiGrayBeard Tiktok.com/@PapiGrayBeard Reddit.com/u/PapiGrayBeard Facebook.com/PapiGrayBeard Twitter.com/PapiGrayBeard Instagram.com/PapiGrayBeard Help support PapiGrayBeard by following and liking on all social media platforms. Any Tips and Donations are welcomed but never required to have an awesome time here. Gracias and Thank you.