All Things Beauty


After years of wanting to do this, I finally decided there's no better time than now. This is for all the loved ones in my life who need courage and inspiration. I'm a mom of 5, turning 40 this year! I just like to laugh at myself and play with makeup from all over the spectrum -- everyday natural to bold & colorful! My major hobbies include fitness (more than a decade of heavy weight lifting), video games (I've played World of Warcraft since 2006) since my youngest childhood memories [my first of which was Duck Hunt, Super Mario, Castlevania, Final Fantasy,etc], makeup, & decor.

The Maskless Ninja


Due to ignorance, propaganda and unconstitutional mandates, the fear-based misinformed socialists take matters into their own weak hands and try to bar free humans from having their liberty. Watch me school the sheeple that are ignorantly enforcing illegal mandates and tyrannical policies in an effort to go along with the hoax pandemic that the international corporations and institutions are taking advantage of to strip individual liberties. This is their sophisticated game plan to roll out a dictatorial corporate world government that overrides our Constitutional Republic and fools most people thoroughly into turning against their fellow human and doing the bidding of diabolical handlers.