Stronghold Crusader


Welcome to Stronghold Crusader Channel! Castle: Crusades is a simulation-simulation strategy video game developed by Firefly Studios and released in 2002. Also, on January 28, 2008, Firefly Studio announced an expanded version of the game called Stronghold: Crusader Extreme. This game still has its fans after many years and was the most watched computer game in 2008-2013. I am very interested Stronghold Crusader game and I would like to share my video games with you Please support me by subscribing and liking 🙏

The Culture Crusader


Join me in my crusade against the forces of evil that plague the lands of pop-culture: specifically, amateur writing, historical inaccuracy, logical inconsistency, and identity politics. My name is Jono and I am a self-taught digital artist, avid writer, and harsh critic with a particular interest in the fantasy/sci-fi genre. With this channel, I intend to join the battle on the frontlines of the culture war by fighting against the lazy storytelling, immoral messaging, and extreme political activism that has become all too prevalent in today's mainstream media productions, while also promoting positive alternatives. I am especially excited to focus on independent content that has been created specifically to counter and replace these the rapidly deteriorating pop-culture franchises I once loved. The Iron Age of Independent Media is upon us.