McCullough Tree Service


McCullough Tree Service offers residential and commercial tree services for the Central Florida area. Family-owned and operated, McCullough Tree Service specializes in all phases of tree services, from trimming to removal. The main services that we offer are: tree trimming, tree removal, tree demossing, and storm damage tree removal. With 3 Certified Arborists on staff, we can address any concerns you may have about your trees. A certified Arborist can help solve issues, from a dying tree to a sick tree and find the solution. Commonly referred to as a tree surgeon, an arborist specializes in being a tree doctor. Let McCullough Tree Service be your on-call tree doctor.

Trees & Roots


Build a tiny house, plant a vegetable garden and free up complexity. I’m dealing with my middle age crisis my own way. I’m starting a journey, don’t know the way or what is at the end. It has been my dream for the last 10 years to build a house by myself. What better place than here, what better time than now? I own a tiny piece of land - 0.25 acres and want to see what I can grow there and see where it will lead our family. My wife and two kids are supporting me with my plans, eager to see what the future will bring.