Developments in Literacy - DIL


This is the official Rumble channel for DIL (Developments in Literacy). About Us: We educate and empower underprivileged students, especially girls, by operating student-centered model schools and providing high-quality professional development to teachers and principals across Pakistan. DIL believes that no child in Pakistan, no matter how poor or underprivileged, should be denied access to quality education. All children should have equal opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute toward the socio-economic betterment of their communities. Educating Children. Empowering Communities. Building Futures. To learn more about DIL, do visit us at the addresses below. To support our children and teachers, please visit: Pakistan: For financial contributions in USD, please go here:

The natural environment or natural world encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial. ... This environment encompasses the interaction of all living species, climate, weather and natural resources


People seldom find absolutely natural environments on Earth, and naturalness usually varies in a continuum, from 100% natural in one extreme to 0% natural in the other. More precisely, we can consider the different aspects or components of an environment, and see that their degree of naturalness is not uniform.



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Water And Wind Relax


Listen to the wind and water, relax. In times of stress, I always turn to the sounds of water and wind to help calm my mind. The sound of waves on a rocky shore, a stream babbling down its course, the wind blowing through tall, autumn grass. All of these and more bring peace to my spirit in troubled times. I want to help others and share these experiences with videos of my favorite places where I like to be alone, with the ocean and the sky as my solace. Videos that just loop the same two or three minutes of footage over and over annoy me, so all of these are recorded as one, continuous video about twenty or so minute long. However, I will post longer videos that combine footage from multiple recording sessions. I do my best to select locations isolated from interference, but a few stray sounds and sights may briefly interfere, such as a voice, a barking dog, or a fisherman passing in a boat. If you enjoy these videos, you can support my work at: All donations are used for travel expenses and equipment purchases and upgrades. Thank you!