Warrior Tactical Systems


Warrior Tactical Systems LLC believes trained and prepared citizens are a force for good in the world. That\'s why we strives to spread a philosophy that inspires warriors for generations to come to search for the truth in combat. We provide quality, cutting edge self-defense training, including the use of various firearms, edged and impact weapons, less lethal tools and empty hand combative skills. Our goal is to provide the skills and knowledge necessary to develop Civilian, Military and Law Enforcement operators to their full potential. We are always striving to provide the best training methodology by constantly innovating, researching and developing so, we can give warriors every advantage in combat.

Eu Acredito no Poder da Oração


Acredito que a oração pode ser uma ferramenta incrivelmente poderosa para nos ajudar a nos conectar com Deus e receber Sua orientação e apoio. A oração também pode nos ajudar a encontrar paz e conforto em tempos difíceis e pode ser uma fonte de força em situações desafiadoras. Acredito que a oração pode ter um impacto positivo em nossas vidas, tanto individual quanto coletivamente. Acredito que a oração pode ter um impacto poderoso em nossas vidas. A oração pode nos ajudar a nos conectar com Deus e nos fornecer força e orientação em tempos difíceis. A oração também pode nos ajudar a aprender mais sobre nós mesmos e a apreciar as bênçãos em nossa vida. Eu acredito no poder da oração e não importa quais palavras usamos em nossas preces, o que importa é o que o coração deseja dizer. A oração é a chave para nós mesmos, é a porta que nos leva a Deus e a tudo que ele tenta nos mostrar. Amo os que me amam. Quem me procura, encontra-me. Provérbios 8,17.

Overland & Outdoor Adventure Videos


Welcome To The Channel. I Post Videos Every Sunday. On my channel you will primarily find outdoor adventure videos related to Overlanding and Truck camping. Exploring the outdoors gives me a sense of adventure. I must find out what lies around the next bend. I must discover what may be on the mountain or trail I have yet to explore. But what's for certain is that I always find solitude and peace in the beauty of the outdoors. If I in some way can inspire others to get out there and experience the outdoors then I am satisfied. Contact Me At JonnyTacoOutdoors@gmail.com

Blueprint Tactical


What's up everybody, my name is Tyler or simply, Ty. Im here to bring y’all some videos of weird, cool, pew pews. As well as some.. unorthodox pew pew "projects" and just about everything firearms. From builds to new releases to range and instructional videos. I will say that I am not a lawyer. Nothing I say should be taken as legal advice. You should follow all state and local laws. Im just a normal guy who likes tinkering and has a passion for everything pew pew. Always here with any questions you may have. Hope you guys enjoy the content and make sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any new uploads!