Everything related to the word of art


Everything related to the word of art Art, life in all its many forms ... Art, a cultural human phenomenon, and it is the standard of everything ... Art, a comprehensive concept that includes the production of the creative and innovative person ... Art, an ethical means and self-filtering, and a skill acquired through experience and learning ... Art is a simulation of reality, and the artist\\\'s tools of expression are derived from reality. Finally ... I am in my personal opinion, that every person in this world is an artist and a creator in his field of work, life, ideas, experience and teachings, and his skill in linking art and all forms of material life acquired, psychological, social, educational and ethical values ​​and between material reality, and art is not only an aesthetic value. Plastic, visual, applied, design and creative ... I invite you, my friends and viewers, to read, enjoy, and discover all kinds of art with my videos and works ... Thank you for being with me and for my life ... all respect from me to all of you, and for the soon meeting

Mein Atelier Art of Ascension


Willkommen in meinem neuen Atelier "Art of Ascension". „Ascension“ bedeutet „Aufstieg“. Wenden wir uns Christus zu und betreten im Geist den Weg der Heiligkeit, geht es vom Leben im Abstieg zu Dunkelheit und Tod hinüber zu einem Leben im Licht. Es zieht uns nach oben, zum Himmlischen und Göttlichen. Darum ist meine Kunst „Aufstiegs-Kunst“ voller Licht und positiver Ausstrahlung. Das häufig verwendete Symbol des Schmetterlings ist ein Hinweis auf die Metamorphose bzw. Verwandlung von der Raupe zum Schmetterling, vom Kriechen zum Fliegen. Der Schmetterling kann von der Erde aufsteigen in die Lüfte Richtung Himmel.