Secretary Brooke Rollins


Welcome to the dedicated news and video update hub for Secretary Brooke Rollins. Here, you'll find an exclusive collection of video reports, live interviews, and in-depth analyses that showcase her dynamic leadership and innovative strategies in the agricultural sector. Stay informed with the latest breaking news, expert reports, and behind-the-scenes insights as Secretary Rollins tackles pressing challenges like high egg prices and avian flu. Discover inspiring stories that highlight her unwavering commitment and the transformative impact she is making in shaping the future of American agriculture.

Lorena Cox


This channel will facilitate various spiritual trainings for the equipping of the body of Christ. These trainings will help you expand your understanding of hearing God\'s voice for yourself and others, gifts of the spirit, prayer, healing, and more. You will develop your prophetic gift, experience God\'s love, new developments, and blessings as you participate and learn through scripture, exercises, and assignments. Note that this channel will mostly focus on prayer and the prophetic.



Folow Trim and Head while they 'road trip' across the lower 48 bringing you to exciting and interesting destinations along the way. From our National Parks to State High Points, you'll be hit with some awe-inspiring views! Hauntings, UFOs, and cryptozoology, yup, we've seen some things! Roadside Oddities and Abandoned em' covered! Goofy, in-depth clips highlight little known destinations on the back roads of America. If you have the travel bug, we are the cure! Get off the beaten path and explore your nation with XploreNation