Generally, cats, dogs or other pet guardians, you are responsible for loving and nurturing them with kindness and care, including protection.


Generally, cats, dogs or other pet guardians, you are responsible for loving and nurturing them with kindness and care, including Prevention of pain, disease and injury Make your pet live by their natural behavior through play, rehearsal and interaction Provide adequate partnerships to meet the emotional and social needs / training of your pet, despite close and daily interactions with people A healthy diet is appropriate for the age and needs of your pet. E.g. Animal feed such as fish bones are dangerous for cats Appropriate environment e.g. Comfortable and safe shelter, suitable toilet (separate from eating and sleeping), toys and emotional stimulation

Just Another Truth Show


Welcome back to another Random chit chat with your favorite random chit chatters. \\\\nJust a group of like-minded people trying to navigate through this realm.\\\\nWe bring a variety of topics to the table from politics to paranormal to observably flat earth truths. \\\\nWe are "LIVE" ALMOST every night.\\\\nAnd if we aren\\\\\\\'t doing a show, we do Movie/Documentary Nights on Twitch and DLive only.\\\\n\\\\nWatch Replays On Rumble: \\\\n\\\\n\\\\nThank you all for hanging with us\\\\nTo tip the show visit: \\\\n​...\\\\n​Paypal\\\\nPatreon:​\\\\n​\\\\n​​Follow us:\\\\nJust Another Truth Show: \\\\n\\\\nJATS 2: \\\\n​\\\\n\\\\nThat Flat Fellow: \\\\n​\\\\n\\\\nAmanda GD: \\\\n​\\\\n​\\\\n​​​\\\\n​​​​​​\\\\n​​\\\\n​\\\\n​\\\\n​DLive: \\\\n​\\\\n​​​​Twitch: \\\\n

Just Another Thought

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Welcome to the train wreck. First of all I am no scientist, professional anything nor accredited in any fashion. I hold no degrees. I’m just here providing commentary and throwing ideas about a multitude of subjects out there. From the latest pop culture, movies, music, and everyone’s favorite team sport. Politics. I’m sure when it’s all said and done. You will hate me or think this guy isn’t half bad. So let’s take a journey and see where this takes us.

Self Defence Protection News

1 Follower

Self Defence Protection Insurance is a must have if you are gun owner. These providers will keep provide you with bail money if you are involved in a self-defence incident and are arrested, access to Attorney's 24/7/365 and money to help you through this devastating time of trial and civil defence. They are invaluable at the time in your life. Make a educated decision on who you choose. They all have limits, coverage's, membership levels and benefits. CHOOSE WISELY. I am a Elite Member of USSCCA for now over 4 years.