Buck Up Relief Mission


THE HUB: BUCK UP RELIEF MISSION *MISSION: Help facilitate all logistics, fuel, transportation, drivers and operational expenses to enable secured supply chain deliveries from donation collection sites to disaster affected areas throughout the USA. Assist with providing temporary shelter and housing assistance to displaced families. Support medical teams with essential supplies, equipment and medications for life-saving operations. Assist in debris removal and infrastructure repair supplies and equipment to restore access to affected areas. Deliver critical resources to trusted boots on the ground labors in order for our partners to bring help, health and hope to disaster affected communities and families. THE WHEEL: Ephesians 4:16 - He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy, growing and full of love. NUTS & BOLTS – BUCK UP TEAM: Fueled by Banners 4 Freedom Ministries, 508(c)(1)(a) Non-Profit Ministry in accordance with Title 26 USC section 5 VINCE SABEN, MARVIN COTE, AJ ANDREWS, ROBERT & JAIME’ AGEE THE SPOKES & PARTNERS: TRANSPORATION & RELIEF SUPPLIES: NATIVE WAY TRANSPORTATION, LLC, TRUCKING FOR AMERICA, LLC *Facilitate all logistics of supply chain deliveries from donation collection sites to disaster affected areas in the USA *Establish civilian facilitated donation collection locations throughout the USA *Establish corporate and political relationships to create an on-going supply lines for all critical items as: medical supplies & equipment, communications devices, water, food, clothing, heating, building supplies, agricultural supplies & equipment, housing and shelter MEDICAL AID: *Facilitate supply chain of medical supplies, medications and equipment need during all medical disaster relief efforts needed to effectively provide urgent medications, perform emergency & on-going medical care RESCUE AID: *Facilitate supply chain of supplies & equipment needed for conduct life-saving search and rescue operations CLEAN-UP AID: *Facilitate delivery of supplies & equipment to aid clean-up crews in disaster sites to ensure health & safety HOUSING & SHELTER: Truckin' 4 Troops *Facilitate the purchase and delivery of campers for housing, deliveries, mobile command centers for veterans, 1st responders, rescue teams, and homeless families affected by disasters in the USA *Facilitate the delivery of building supplies and building of tiny homes for temporary community housing *Facilitate the purchase and delivery of storage containers for secured dry-storage of critical supplies RESTORATION AID: *Facilitate the delivery of supplies and equipment for securing infrastructure and rebuilding shelter & housing MINISTRIAL AID: Banners 4 Freedom Ministries, *Assist in ministering hope and love to disaster inflicted communities and families

Supernatural Revelation, Divine Insights into God the Universe, World's Creation, Laws of Creation-Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Personality, Spirituality, Eternity, Temporality, Religion, Belief, Human Society, Culture, Law and Values, Salvation, Miracles


The Search for God, Eternity, Life after death and the Meaning of Life. Looking at How Science, Religion, Human Society, Culture and Values shape our worldview, laws, relationships, spirituality and the practice or lack thereof of Eternity and Miracles.

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To promote individual liberty, family values, and the U.S. Constitution by actively participating in the political process. Focus on America is inspired and compelled by our forefathers; men who risked everything to ensure our freedoms. We encourage Americans to be informed members of their communities, recruit and develop candidates to restore God-given, constitutionally guaranteed liberties, and to replace elected officials who do not represent their constituency or American values.



THIS Channel Is Dedicated To GOD Almighty, Jesus Christ, And The Holy Spirit; And It’s For GOD Almighty’s Glory (NEVER Our Own); To Share The SAVING Knowledge Of Jesus Christ (THROUGH The Gospel Of Jesus Christ) With The World, IN ORDER TO REVEAL – GOD Almighty’s Amazing Saving GRACE, AND GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT OF SALVATION (Which COMES ONLY – THROUGH Jesus Christ); Using, GOD Almighty’s WORD (THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH – The ENTIRE Holy Bible, And Specifically, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ; Including, Holy Bible Prophecy) As Our TEXTBOOK, While Standing Firm – On Our Biblical WorldView; WE KNOW, That Jesus Christ ABIDES WITHIN Us – Through The Holy Spirit; Therefore, Jesus Christ – WALKS WITH Us, The Holy Spirit – TEACHES Us, AND Most Importantly, GOD Almighty – WATCHES OVER Us, Always; We (The Body Of Christ, The Bride Of Christ, ALL Truly “Born Again” Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty) Are Jesus Christ’s LIGHT Upon A World Full Of Darkness (The Darkness Of Satan); Therefore, May HIS LIGHT Shine So Brightly – Through Us, That People See Jesus – NOT Us! Amen.