

Dogs suck. Dog people suck. Yes, all of them. Rolling Stones are a terrible band with a misshapen big-headed-ape as a singer that dances like a sissy. Apes are supposed to be strong you stingy armed shrimp of a man Mick. Glamtera is infinitely better than Phil’s Pantera. Johnny Cash is crap & so are each & every person that likes him. I wouldn't even tell AC/DC that they were good for a garage band. The Talking Heads is for blow-hard nerds. Rap sucks, hope that doesn’t need to be said. Nirvana is for emo queers. The Beatles suck and Lead Zeplin(not googling how to spell it)... not a fan. This is the home of obscure Thrash-Metal, Glam-Metal. Syth-Pop and some Sissy Rock. This page is basically a WASP fan-cite. Don’t make my love a crime. Best Music Ever --- Best Official Music Videos Ever --- Great Music Ever 2 --- You don't watch all of these, you fuckin' lose - Now That's What I Call Music Vol 3 --- Real Videos I Did With Me in Them --- Other Music That Exists ---

DoubleARanch: American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, surviavalist self-sufficiency learners and educators, extreme 2A enthusiasts and prayerful stewards of what we have on loan from God. Verified


American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, Alpaca ranchers and lovers of God's greatest comedians...critters of all kinds but especially dogs. We are 2A enthusiasts, and veracious readers of our founding fathers and historical documents. In addition to educate other true conservatives for a return to traditional Paideia. This is the original liberal arts education for our children stemming from ancient Greece and Rome. This includes the basic 7 parts of a classical liberal arts education or a virtuous “Paideia” : Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy later to include Philosophy, Science, and Art. All were the education of our ancestors whether at home or Christian based and founded Universities.

Gospel Earldom


Gospel Earldom es un portal publicitario de Musica cristiana de todo tipo de generos musicales. Desde el Reggaeton Cristiano, Trap Cristiano y Musica Electronica Gospel, hasta Musica De Adoración & Alabanza para meditar. Somos parte de la empresa matriz "Earldoms Entertainment", compañia fundada en 2023 con la vision de que la gente conozca a los nuevos artistas y canciones mas rapido, asi como tambien canciones y artistas antiguos. Si eres artista, productor, manager o compañia discografica y quieres promocionar tu musica: ✉️ Envíanos Tu Canción: ⚠️ALERTA: NO Somos los dueños de los derechos de autor de la mayoria de las canciones que se publican en este canal. Esto se hace con fines publicitarios sin fines de lucro y de entretenimiento. 🔔 Activa las notificaciones para ser el primero en ver nuestros nuevos videos!