Leader of KINGS


Helping men become better more wise versions of themselves one conversation at a time. I cover a verity of topics on this channel, each one I believe is essential for the growth of the man God created us to be. Everyone is born with a 👑 above thier heads that they have to grow tall enough to reach. You say you are kings, well... you are a king of yourself before anything else. Build your kingdom up 1st n then help another do the same. Wisdom is life & Life is wisdom. Don't forget to like, Comment n Subscribe. Much Love 💯



Welcome to my channel, I am humble and grateful that you are here. On this interactive channel I would be reading letters that are sent to me via email, giving my advice and sharing my thoughts. Please like share and subscribe become a member of the Night Gem Community. Welcome to the galaxy! How this works: You can send me an email at: Letters2autumnmoon@gmail.com of your story, or questions. I will give my best advice or opinion. How is this channel interactive? You have a choice of which envelope you would like to add to your letter. Green envelope: message of Prosperity element of good fortunate and luck. Red envelope: message of Love or relationship. Yellow envelope: message of Hope and encouragement life is not always easy. Blue envelope: message from me: which could be anything? (mystery envelope). Legal Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only.

Be The Shining Leader in Your Life and Business


LEBE DEINE WAHRE MACHT, KRAFT & STÄRKE. BERUFUNG, VISION. MACH 'DEIN DING' DEIN PROBLEM? Gemobbt, nicht wertgeschätzt bzw. häufig übersehen? im Dauerstress, weil Hamsterrad und keine Zeit? dem Burn-Out nah, am Ende Deiner Kraft? voller Selbstzweifel? sie machen was sie wollen, egal, was Du machst und sagst? Irgendwie scheint grad alles ziemlich sinnlos? DEIN WUNSCH? Eigenes Leben leben - nicht was Vorgegebenes | #Enlastung #Berufung #Lebenssinn #Lebensfreude #Gesundheit #SinnImLeben #MeinDingmachen #Kriegsenkel #Lebensführung #Mobbing

Terry Bean: Business Leader


Terry Bean: Business Leader Terry Bean Whitestone, NY 11357 terry.bean14@gmail.com +1 561 926 2866 As an experienced business leader, I have a passion and true dedication to my performance in whatever task at hand. I take on projects with tenacity and hold myself accountable as only a President or Owner illustrates. I have a keen sense of how people "tick" and this translates into excellent communication and listening skills. These attributes have allowed me to connect with customers, merchants in the B2B arena as well as managing people. I see the bigger logistical picture in any project that I encounter. I create consistent networking opportunities to get any goal accomplished and have made a tremendous difference in every one of my positions. Terry Bean is a presence that most people do not forget and is known to make a system and work atmosphere that much better. Work Experience Sales Executive Vacasa-Anywhere March 2022 to May 2024 Worked remotely speaking with prospective vacation home owners to hire Vacasa as their short-term rental property management company. Established rapport with prospects, communicating Vacasa’s full service options. Connected with onboarding staff to work together making sure that the client had a smooth experience. Inventory Specialist Shelf Engine July 2021 to April 2022 Part-time hours per week (10-12) with a start-up focused on eradicating waste through automation. Assisting in handling, inventory, receiving and merchandising for three local Target Stores. Input Information along with photographs into two software applications that are read by the company’s algorithms to formulate what is best for each stores ordering process; making an impact locally and globally. Financial Educator & Consultant Five Rings Financial-www.securecapitalalliance.com March 2021 to March 2022 Independent Contractor • Currently representing a financial services company – licensed in both Life Insurance and Annuities. Focusing on educating the middle class and women on how money works to bridge the generational wealth gap by providing vehicles that allow people to save, protecting themselves and their money, ultimately accessing their funds tax free. Sales & Marketing Associate Plantation Housing Corp March 2017 to October 2019 • Engaged in constant communication with potential clients to gain insights into their interests and needs creating a heighten sense of desire to make appointments at both the model home and design center • provided initial quotes on models, adjusted for lot preparation, realtor fees, and client choices as required. • Assisted marketing and sales efforts via MLS lot searches, scheduling visits with Realtor's and tracking. Interacted with ARH Franchisor to create advertising emails/brochures as needed. Director of Client Services Card Platforms LLC.-Boca Raton, FL September 2014 to April 2016 • Handled all escalated calls from both employees and employers including but not limited to, registration, address verification and authentication of cardholders. Trouble shoot inappropriate funding and fee reversal. Ensured access to payroll through pay card compliance • Upsold card services by reviewing card features, learned all aspects of new payroll card platform • Created the training protocol and computer platform processes for all new agents • Created correspondence for both new registrants and cardholders in need of instruction for further verification Independent Senior Wine Advisor Wines for Humanity May 2013 to February 2016 • Booked group events to lead professional private home or business wine presentations and created an interest in world sourced wines as well as the opportunity to become a Wine Adviser with Wines for Humanity • Recruited and trained advisors in the established system, along with procedures and presentation format • Learned about and trained on new wines, wine making process & kept current with any shifts in the industry • Upsold to maximize my revenue by implementing a sales strategy to drive customer loyalty by providing excellent service. Marketing Account Executive Goldson Spine Rehabilitation Center June 2013 to June 2014 Contract Position • Established and built new relationships with individual professionals (doctors and lawyers) to facilitate a referral opportunity, making 20 new contacts daily • Created a referral system to be used between both Goldson Spine locations • Assisted in organizing events and marketing the Chiropractors' services to potential patients; conducted follow-up calls to all sign-ups from the event • Created a duplicable welcome system to greet new patients into the "Goldson Spine Experience" • Re-assessed infrastructure of a 20-year-old company updating both the office policy manual, and job descriptions Manager/Sales Associate The Spice & Tea Exchange September 2010 to October 2012 • Top salesperson, utilizing skills to sell custom made blends, spices, herbs, sugars, sea-salts and looseleaf tea • Managed 6 people, coordinating schedules, hiring, and training • Coordinated all ordering of supplies for retail store • Consistent focus on merchandising, keeping the store in the top percentage based on quality control for the franchise Broker/Owner Rentals & Sales Unlimited January 1998 to September 2010 • Acquired an existing Real Estate Office, successfully integrating sales into a rental platform • Utilized sales and communication skills to assist people in creating a smooth housing transition • Identified housing trends and marketed to likely buyers and sellers • Fostered business successes via relationship building and through participation in professional associations Education Bachelor of Arts in Communications University of Hartford - West Hartford, CT 1985 Skills • Digital & Email Marketing • Public Relations • Account Management • Sales Experience • Marketing Communications & Strategies Certifications and Licenses Life Insurance License Real Estate Broker Driver's License Assessments Sales skills — Proficient June 2021 Influencing and negotiating with customers Full results: Proficient Customer focus & orientation — Proficient August 2021 Responding to customer situations with sensitivity Full results: Proficient Indeed Assessments provides skills tests that are not indicative of a license or certification, or continued development in any professional field. Let's collaborate! Thanks, Jack Bosma https://meetn.com/jackbosma tutorjacknetwork@gmail.com "Inspect what you expect."

The Three Letter Agencies


Videos uploaded on this channel will include: The three Letter Agencies can be further contracted to the Three Letter Acronym TLA, which of course may stand for either Three Letter Agencies or Three Letter Acronyms. Some are abbrieviations, most are not acronyms. _______________________________________ [A "spook agency" is a slang term referring to a government intelligence agency, most commonly used to describe the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), where "spook" is a casual term for a spy or undercover agent working for the agency, signifying their secretive nature. Key points about spook agencies: Meaning- Spook is a slang term for a spy, so a spook agency is an organization that employs spies to gather intelligence covertly. A primary example: The CIA is the most well-known spook agency. Why spook: The term likely comes from the idea of someone appearing out of nowhere or being mysterious, like a ghost ("spook"). Source: Google AI Overview] _______________________________________ US spook TLAs: CIA - CentralIntelligenceAgency FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation NRO - National Reconnaissance Office NSA - National Security Agency DOD - Department of Defense [Formerly the Department of War] DHS - Department of Homeland Security (US) DEA - Drug Enforcement Agency DOE - Department of Energy CID - Counter Intelligence Defense Non-US spook TLAs: BVD - Binnenlandse VeiligheidsDienst (Internal Security Agency; Dutch) [now replaced by the AIVD, see below] BND - Bundesnachrichtendienst (Federal Intelligence Service; German) DSD - Defence Signals Directorate - Australian communications monitoring agency GPU - Gosudarstvennoe politicheskoe upravlenie (State Political Administration) KGB - Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopaznosti (Committee for State Security) Questionable if spook: NIH - National Institutes of Health OSF - Open Software Foundation (come on, this isn't even a government agency!) CDC - Centers for Disease Control Are there any spook agencies with fewer or more letters in their name? ASIO - Australian Security Intelligence Organization MI5/MI6 (5 and 6 are numbers...) FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)--if you believe the militiaistas in the US, this agency (which coordinates disaster relief) is in fact an organization designed to suppress public opposition if and when a coup occurs. (This particular theory was very common during the Clinton administration--strangely, the militia movement in the US has vanished since Bush was elected.) BATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. A separate paramilitary/police agency (within the US Department of Treasury, not the Department of Justice), primarily concerned with weapons smuggling. (At one point, bootlegging was the raison d'etre of this organization). Even more unprofessional than the FBI. BCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly the INS). Not true spooks (especially now that the part of the INS that went about rounding up illegal immigrants is now a separate department), but still a royal pain in the ass to deal with. In the film version of My Favorite Martian, SETI was portrayed as a spook US government agency, complete with jack-booted machine-gun-waving MenInBlack, and Wallace Shawn as a pre-eminent government scientist. (Inconceiveable!) Are numbers allowed? MI5 - British security services http://www.mi5.gov.uk/ MI6 - British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) http://www.mi6.gov.uk/ (the web page is encoded as a DNS lookup failure ;) A misinformed person (me) asked: "I don't know much Hebrew, but wouldn't MOSSAD be spelled with three letters? (Since vowels are optional)" Surprisingly (to me, as I know enough hebrew to read it, but basically zero vocabulary), Mossad (usually used as haMossad, or 'the Mossad') is actually four letters. While it is true that 'vowels are optional' in the general case, both the 'oh' and 'oo' vowels are a special case. Each has two forms; one form which, like other vowels, is optional; and another form which is based on the letter vav (pronounced 'v', of course), adorned with a dot. Mossad, then, uses this second form of the 'oh' sound, so it is written (without vowels) mem-vav-samech-dalet. For more on the Mossad, including where I found this out (from their logo), see http://www.fas.org/irp/world/israel/mossad/. For the hebrew alphabet, so you have some idea what I'm talking about, see http://www.jewfaq.org/alephbet.htm. Also... if the Mossad isn't a TLA, does that make them spookier or less spooky than the others? -- AdamBerger (Thank you Adam!) If you look at an image of the Mossad Logo, it indeed shows 4 letters: You're looking at the second line from the bottom. Remember, Hebrew is read right to left. The first letter is the 'h' of hamossad; after that, you see mvsd. Source: https://wiki.c2.com/?ThreeLetterAgencies

education- marketing- softskills- leaders


تكمن أهمية وجود المهارات الحياتية في حياة الفرد في قدرته على التكيّف مع كافّة الظروف، والنجاح في نهضة المجتمعات وازدهارها، ومُنطلق ذلك من الدين الحنيف الذي بيّن أنّ الغاية من خلق الإنسان هي إعمار الأرض وخلافتها، وقد حثّ النبي محمد -صلى الله عليه وسلم - على إتقان العمل والقيام به على أفضل صورة؛ إلّا أنّ نقص المهارات الحياتية لدى الاجيال الحالية يُعتبر من أهمّ المشكلات التي يجب البحث عن حلول سريعة لها، ذلك أنّ مخرجات المؤسسات التربويّة تفتقر إلى المهارات الحياتيّة، وبالتالي يفشل الكثيرون في حياتهم الوظيفية والشخصيّة؛ بسبب غياب هذه المهارات لديهم.

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