Crypto Magnates

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Crypto Magnates is the best channel for anyone who wants to take his or her crypto trading and investing to the next level. At Crypto Magnates, we publish top cryptocurrency picks from highly profitable crypto market professionals such as Jack Dorsey, Cathie Wood and Brian Armstrong on weekly basis. We also publish daily news of the trending and hottest cryptocurrencies with analysis of how you can profit from the news updates by market professionals with years of crypto investing experience. Follow the channel so you don't miss any of the videos

The Last of Wars Україна

1 Follower

Раді вітати вас на каналі «The Last of Wars». Це перший український політичний серіал на основі гри «The Last of Us». Ми пропонуємо вам авторський контент, де головні герої намагаються вижити після жорстокого нападу Російської Федерації та зараження більшості населення вірусом, який промиває мізки та перетворює людей на «ватників». Підтримайте нас за допомогою лайків, коментарів або ж підписки та не забувайте донатити на ЗСУ! Разом ми – сила. The Last of Wars in English: The Last of Wars для малоросів:

The Last of Wars ru.

1 Follower

Рады приветствовать вас на канале "The Last of Wars". Это первый украинский сериал на основе игры "The Last of Us". Мы предлагаем вам авторский контент, где главные герои пытаются выжить после жестокого нападения Российской Федерации и заражения большинства населения вирусом, который промывает мозги и превращает людей в "ватников". Поддержите нас с помощью лайков, комментариев или подписки и не забывайте донатить на ВСУ! Вместе мы - сила. The Last of Wars для настоящих украинцев: The Last of Wars на английском языке:

Preserving Knowledge: A Personal Class Archive

1 Follower

Welcome to PurdueClassArchive! This channel serves as a personal repository for all the classes I completed at Purdue University Global. As a responsible student, I believe in preserving knowledge and having access to my educational materials for future reference, reflection, and personal growth. On this channel, you will find a collection of class videos, lectures, presentations, and other relevant course materials I have recorded and uploaded for personal use. This channel is strictly intended for my educational purposes and serves as a convenient way to organize and access my class content whenever needed. Please note that the content on this channel is solely for personal use and educational purposes. It does not aim to infringe upon copyrights or violate academic integrity policies. I value and respect my professors' and fellow students' intellectual property rights. Thank you for joining me on this journey of knowledge preservation. Let's embark on this educational adventure together, one class at a time!

The Last Tribe

1 Follower

Our Mission: Sharing the treasures of the Catholic faith to help build strong marriages and resilient families Our Why: Substance abuse, traumas, pornography addiction, sexual assaults, depression, anxiety, deep loneliness, being suicidal, lack of self-worth, gender identity disorder - just a few of the experiences we each had prior to knowing each other. Though we were both raised Catholic, each of our life journeys slowly drew us away from the Church. Individually, we tried different ways to cope, heal, and break out of our cycles, but it wasn’t until the great 2020 COVID shut-down did we begin journeying back to God in more intentional ways. Now as a married couple (MIRACLE!), expecting our first child (ANOTHER MIRACLE!), we continue our journey of getting to know and love the Catholic faith. We now want more than ever to share the treasures we’ve found and continue to find for we feel this faith holds the keys to strong, resilient, long-lasting marriages and families. Come join us on The Last Tribe Website where you can submit questions/topics that you'd like for us to cover, submit your own Moved by the Spirit recordings, check out our growing list of Catholic resources and prayers TLT Founders Sandra and Paul have found useful for their pre-marriage, marriage, and family journey. Come and share your own as well for us to include in The Tribe's blogs! You'll find the link to our Discord Community as well!