New Bright and Morning Star


This channel is committed to spreading the gospel and proving ALL things according to the WORD of God. Our channel operates in the spirit of TRUTH and we believe in the Father, his holy spirit and his only begotten son Christ who died for our sins. You can learn here, fellowship here and spiritually mature on this channel. Come as you are, but you will NOT stay as you are. Repent for you sins, have faith in Christ and you can have salvation which belongs to God according to Psalms 3:8 Shalom!

Starsky és Hutch (3.szinkron)


A rendhagyó zsarupáros az egyéni öltözékével, a furcsa figurákból álló baráti körével, valamint a veszélyes helyzetekben tanúsított bátorságával és rátermettségével hívta föl magára a figyelmet. Kivételes, sajátos humorú fickók ők, és remek rendőrök, akik elképesztő magabiztossággal gyűjtik be a veszélyes elemeket, számolnak le a rablókkal, tolvajokkal, gyilkosokkal és kábítószer-kereskedőkkel. A jellegzetes, piros-fehér Ford sportkocsijuk mindenhol felbukkan, ahol szükség van rájuk, annak rendje-módja szerint befűtenek a rosszban sántikálóknak.

Star Quotes Pk


Welcome to our YouTube channel all about quotes! Here, we celebrate the power of words and the wisdom of great thinkers, writers, and public figures. Our channel features inspiring quotes from various genres such as philosophy, literature, psychology, and more. We offer a diverse range of quote collections that cover topics such as love, success, motivation, and self-improvement. Our videos feature beautiful imagery, captivating music, and expert analysis to help you gain a deeper understanding of the meaning and significance of each quote. Whether you're looking for daily inspiration or a deeper appreciation of the written word, our channel has something for you. Subscribe now and let's explore the world of quotes together!

Star Wars On Jesus


The War On Terror The War On Drugs The War On Covid Star Wars On Jesus.... Star Wars On Jesus or the Hidden Story In the 1st Trilogy, Episodes I, II and III are full of hidden symbolism. People do not realize or did not realize that they are actually bombarded with occultism and re-engineered biblical stories. This video, I produced, is thoroughly documented Bible, Talmud, footages... I would like to show you that the intentions of Georges Lucas were pretty clear, where he was going with some characters of the Episodes.I would describe Star Wars as anti-Jesus and Pro-Jewish. i would also Summarize the video as JUDAISM vs CHRISTIANITY Please take time to watch the movies I, II & III (6 hours Footage). You will be prepared to the evidences, I am going to show you, which are actually not so ‘HIDDEN’! Website: (Released soon) Patreon: Link:

STAR SPLITTER: A Sci-fi Audiobook Podcast


Telepaths, Clones, Androids, Zombies, and Alien Monsters...This anthology experience is immersive and headphones are recommended... Enter a universe of sci-fi sound effects, music, and stories that'll leave you wanting more... WELCOME TO STAR SPLITTER. Created, Written, and Narrated by Danny Kuehn (IG: @realdannykuehn ) Directed, Produced, Mixed, and Edited by David Bloom (IG: @mrbl00m ) Cover Art created by Ira (@rebecacovers on Fiverr) *All Rights Reserved*

Star Citizen Raw MrE


Raw Gameplay, Raw Interviews, Each interview is numbered and delivered in 3 formats, Unedited Full (no editing at all, flaws and all), Edited (Full interview audio adjusted when needed, subtitles, dead space and less relevant parts taken out, and Edited Short (audio adjusted, subtitled taste of the interview with choice moments). Anything labeled Raw is just that. Maybe an intro and/or outro sheered in for flavor but sheer unadulterated gameplay. Hope you Enjoy. Thank You MR_E-00