Ricardo Médium


Depuis des années j\'ai reçu des messages sous forme de rêves, de visions, de méditations. Je ne crois qu’en un seul Dieu unique d’Amour et libre de tout dogmes religieux, de toute obédience. Ces derniers temps, j’ai vu se manifester dans le monde des messages que j’avais reçus par le passé. J’ai donc décidé de créer cette chaîne d’information, pour partager les prochains. Les messages pourront parfois sembler dur à encaisser, mais le but qui me motive à faire ça, est de vous amener à vous réveiller par vous-même. Je ne me considère pas comme un guide, je suis juste un transmetteur. J’aborderais plusieurs sujets, je ferais une analyse de l’actualité d’un point de vue spirituel, je transmettrais des prédictions, et je vous donnerais des outils pour aller vers votre vraie réalité spirituelle. L’Amour est plus grand que tout et toutes les vidéos reposent sur ce principe immuable qu’est l’Amour. Ne me croyez pas sur parole, les événement à venir s’imposeront d’eux-mêmes. Merci.

The Richard Giardino Show


The Rich Giardino Show: Where the Constitution, Crime, and Politics Meet Embark on a journey through the corridors of justice, constitutional principles, and the intricacies of law enforcement with "The Rich Giardino Show." Hosted by Sheriff Rich Giardino, a revered figure in the legal realm, this podcast provides a compelling exploration of pressing issues at the crossroads of the Constitution, crime, and politics. Sheriff Giardino is the only person in New York State history to have been elected as a District Attorney, a Superior Court Judge and a Sheriff, giving him a unique perspective on all things legal. With a career spanning over three decades, Sheriff Giardino brings a wealth of experience and expertise to each episode. From dissecting landmark legal cases to examining the evolving landscape of public policy, he offers thought-provoking discussions that seek solutions to today’s complex issues that resonate with audiences far and wide. "The Rich Giardino Show" promises interesting and educational conversations with a broad range of national experts. Subscribe now and join the conversation at the forefront of legal discourse!

Cortes guarda chuva [OFICIAL]


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Ryan Stewman


Ryan Stewman is a best selling author, CEO of 5 companies, founder of Phonesites.com, full time investor, and consultant to millionaires and celebrities across the globe. He's been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, The Street.com, The Good Men Project, CNBC, and pretty much every other major business publication out there. Ryan gives the credit for his meteoric rise in business to his sales skills. He's never had a salaried job his entire life. He's worked in commissioned sales since he was 13 years old. He's sold well into 9 figures worth of products and services. "I believe that everyone can be great at sales, they just need the right thing to sell and the right people to talk to" - Ryan Stewman He's mastered the mindset it takes to win no matter what forces come against you. Ryan rewires minds and changes lives. Give him the chance, he will change yours too.