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This channel contains video tutorials, creativity and crafts... definitely very interesting to watch... Hopefully all the videos on this channel can be entertaining and of course useful for everyone... support this channel by subscribing so it continues to grow... thank you for visiting this channel 🙏😊
All my DIY concrete projects
Simple DIY Model Airplanes. Mostly small to medium sized Park Flyers. All under 250 grams.
Being creative, glorifies Him
Its All Grady as we document our homesteading journey, building a self-sufficient life on 25 acres of wilderness. Follow along as we tackle DIY home projects, livestock care, sustainable farming, and overcoming the challenges of off-grid living. From constructing stairs to creating soap and harvesting livestock, every episode is filled with real-life homestead adventures, family moments, and the resilience of us building our dream from the ground up. Subscribe for raw, authentic content about homesteading, self-reliance, and rural life
идеи,предложения,експерименти,хитринки / ideas, suggestions, experiments, tricks
Avid DIY\\\'er with wood, metal, mechanized and automated solutions. Also includes electrical, plumbing, and general home maintenance.
DIY Home Decor
Diy tool idea small invention tool use
In this chanel you will see mostly offgrid stuff that makes big difference to make life easier.
All The Latest Viral DIY Videos
Everything about home electronics DIY and repairs
How to videos to save money at home.
Children\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s story readings, fun activities & tips to help kid\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s manage challenging emotions and build their character by former teacher & author of the Light Giver Stories, Peggy D Sideratos.
I show do it yourself projects for automobiles, home and garden.
Lots of inspiration for your home
This channel is dedicated to DIY and giving you examples of many different DIY projects and technologies
Just a vlog of some of our solar and technology projects.
Gottes Stimme zur den Nationen\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nICH BIN NUR EIN DIENSTKNECHT UND DIENE UM DICH IN EINEN LIEBESBEZIEHUNG MIT JESUS ZU BRINGEN UM DICH ZU BINDEN AN SEINEM HERZEN SO DAS DU DEINEN WEG MIT GOTT WANDELN KANNST UM ALL DIE DINGEN ZU TUN WOFÜR ER DICH BERUFEN HAT ZU TUN UND ZU SEIN.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nVERGESSE UNS, VERGESSE MICH, ABER VERGESSE NIEMALS DEN LIEBHABER DEINER SEELE ZU LIEBEN. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nGLAUBE MIR, WIR SIND NICHTS ANDERS ALS HEIßBLÜTIGE LIEBHABER VON UNSER GOTT, DIE DIR DEN WEG ZEIGEN ZUR SEINEM HERZEN UND ZUR SEINEM KÖNIGREICH UND NICHT DEN WEG ZUR EINEN VERSAMMLUNG, ODER EINEN PASTOR, EINEN PROPHET ODER EINEN APOSTEL ODER WAS FÜR EINEN DIENST DAN AUCH. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nJA WIR KOMMEN ALS VÄTER UND WIR WERDEN DICH LIEBEN WIE EINEN WAHRHAFTIGE VATER. BEI ZEITEN WIRST DU EINEN ZÜCHTIGUNG BEKOMMEN WENN DU UNS EINEN VATER FÜR EUCH SEIN LÄSST, ABER MIT TRÄNEN IN HERZEN UND IN UNSER AUGEN TRAINIEREN UND ERZIEHEN WIR DICH DAMIT DU EINS WIRST MIT DEN LIEBHABER DEINER SEELE. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nNiemals soll irgendeinen Dienstknecht über dich herrschen, über deine Wille hinweg bestimmen was gut für dich ist. Es gibt nur einer die deine Herr und Meister ist und das ist der Liebhaber deiner Seele, Jesus! (Jeshua) Sei gesegnet und geliebt durch den Vater, den Sohn und der Heiliger Geist und Wandel mit Gott den allerhöchste, den Schöpfer deiner Seele. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nIch bin dein Dienstknecht, Apostel Prophet Johannes John und ich diene dir mit alles was mein Vater mir gegeben hat dir zu überreichen damit du gedeihst und stark wirst in das kennen und tun von Gottes Wille für dein Leben, für dein Herz, für deine Seele. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nIn Gottes Dienst und in Seiner Auftrag:
From July 2022 through August 2022 SGMAC was the number one clip channel in the Umar Johnson sector.
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We will make gardening crafting and diy videos
On this channel, I will show you useful homemade products that can help in everyday life.
SUBSCRIBE FOR A COOKIE! Accomplishments: - Raised $20,000,000 To Plant 20,000,000 Trees - Removed 30,000,000 pounds of trash from the ocean - Built wells in Africa - helped 1,000 blind people see - helped 1,000 deaf people hear - Given millions to charity - Started my own snack company Feastables - Donated over 100 cars lol - Gave away a private island (twice) - Gave away 1 million dollars in one video - Counted to 100k - Read the Dictionary - Read Bee Movie Script - Read Longest English Word - Watched Paint Dry - Ubering Across America - Watched It's Every Day Bro For 10 Hours - Ran a marathon in the world's largest shoes - Adopted every dog in a shelter - Bought $1,000,000 in lottery tickets - Sold houses for $1 - I got buried alive - Recreated Squid Game in real life - Gave away a chocolate factory - Gave away private jet - Survived 50 hours in Antarctica You get the point haha
Welcome to "Giving You a Fresh Start!" My heart is to help you Revive the Joy in your life, Rejuvenate Your God given Destiny and Restore Your body to Health! Grab a cup of tea, a cup of coffee or a glass of spring water with a splash of lemon and sit back, take notes if you can, and enjoy the teaching I’m about to embark on. Let’s get started Giving You a Fresh Start!
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