Der Nachrichtenkanal zum Bewusstseinswandel


Ich bin Manuela Emrich. Als Mediale Beraterin und Bewusstseinstrainerin begleite ich dich in deinem persönlichen Aufstieg in das Bewusstsein der 5. Dimension. Die Reise in das neue Paradigma der Einheit der Liebe ist ein Prozess, durch den wir jetzt alle durch die hohen Liebeslichteinströmungen aus der geistigen Welt, die Einflüsse der Planeten, die Sonnenstürme und auch die Verschiebung des Erdmagnetfeldes kosmisch sehr unterstützt werden In diesem Youtube-Kanal stelle ich dir mein bisher erlangtes Wissen und meine Erfahrungen zur Verfügung, die dir das kosmische Christusbewusstsein (Einheitsbewusstsein) näher bringen und ich sage dir in meinen Videos auch, wie ich dich in meinen Programmen dabei unterstütze, deinen persönlichen Weg zurück zur Quelle zu finden. Ein offenes Herz und ein tiefes Urvertrauen sind dafür die wichtigste Basis. Wenn du deine eigene Anbindung zur göttlichen Quelle wieder spürst, bist du in deiner reinen Seelenessenz der göttlichen Liebe angekommen.

"Rumble the Regal Guardian: A Tale of Courage and Loyalty in a German Shepherd's World"


Rumble is an energetic and loyal German Shepherd with a striking black and tan coat. Known for their intelligence and versatility, Rumble is a quick learner, making them an ideal companion for various tasks. Whether it's playing fetch in the backyard or showcasing their agility in obedience training, Rumble's boundless enthusiasm and protective nature make them a cherished member of any family. With a keen sense of loyalty, Rumble is not just a pet but a devoted friend, always ready to stand by your side. রাশিদুল আহম্মেদ Rumble is a striking German Shepherd with a distinctive black and tan coat, exuding strength and intelligence. With a regal posture and expressive brown eyes, Rumble is not only a loyal companion but also a vigilant guardian. Known for their versatility, German Shepherds like Rumble excel in various roles, from devoted family pets to skilled working dogs. Rumble's robust build and alert demeanor make them a symbol of confidence and reliability, embodying the breed's reputation for courage and loyal

International Family News - Germany


iFamNews ist ein Projekt der Internationalen Organisation für die Familie (IOF). Unser Bestreben ist, die erste wirklich globale Familien- und Lebensschutz Nachrichtenseite im Web zu schaffen. Wie die IOF zehntausende Lebensschützer der ganzen Welt in dem Weltkongress für Familien (WCF) vereint hat, so hoffen wir mit dieser neuen Initiative eine globale Familienschutz-Gemeinschaft aufzubauen, der Leser als verlässliche Nachrichtenquelle vertrauen können.

Salvo the German Shepherd


Welcome. to the channel and if you enjoy random things about dogs, cats, off grid living, van life and anything that promotes living a happier and more fulfilling life the why not hop on bored, subscribe and see how far this journey will go. Thanks for checking out the content and expect regular weekly updates. These videos are for entertainment purposes only, and you should always consult a professional dog trainer. These videos are not for minors and may contain adult language or literature. Follow Salvo on his little adventures through life and hopefully these straight talking no nonsense videos will give you the information on whether you should buy any dog, let alone a working class German Shepherd. If you are easily offended or do not like uncomfortable honesty, then this probably isn't the channel for you. These highly intelligent, beautiful dogs need constant stimulation, discipline and exercise. If you work 8 hours a day or more, then they're not for you, it's really that simple. Educate yourself and find what is right for you and your family. These dogs bite, or injure hundreds if not thousands of people every year and all because people think that they can just leave them to look after themselves. These opinions are entirely my own and if you follow anything on the videos, then it's your decision. Living on and off grid gives us a balanced view of the pros and cons of both lifestyles, and we now have a camper van, so our experiences grow day by day. Do something brave and reckless because you only have one life, and it should be enjoyed to the full. Thanks for reading this far, and I hope you enjoy the videos. #germanshepherdpup #germanshepherdlover #germanshepherd #germanshepherdworld #germanshepherdsofinsta #germanshepherdnation #germanshepherdlove #germanshepherdsdaily #germanshepherddaily #germanshepherdsofig #offgridcooking #offgrid #offgridliving #offgridlife #outdoorcooking #bushcraftcooking #offgridlifestyle #offgridhomestead #offgridoutdoor #cookingwithfire #vanlife #outdoorcookingisthebest #livefirecooking #openfirecooking #outdoorcook #cookingoutdoors #cookinginnature #campfirecooking #firecooking #campfirecookingclub #aroundthefire #offgridsolar #campfirestories #bbqcatering #offgridanarchy #outdoorkitchen #offgridparenting #bonfirecatering #campfireparadise #bhfyp #travelphotography #vanbuild #vwcamper #vanlifeideas #photography #camperlifestyle #motorhome #campinglife #ontheroad #love #rvlife #outdoor #offroad #travelgram #vanlifedreams #diy #vanlifecommunity #outdoors #vanliving #hiking #buslife #tinyhouse

BB2K Airsoft


(english below) Du findest Airsoft toll? Willkommen und viel Spaß auf meinem Airsoft Kanal. Ich mag außergewöhnliche Airsoftwaffen. Ich bin mehr Sammler als Spieler. Mein Interesse ist nicht unbedingt FPS, Joule und Spielbarkeit. Selten, ungewöhnliche, alte und spezielle Airsoft Repliken interessieren mich. Gruss Bruce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you interested in Airsoft? Welcome and have fun on my airsoft channel I like exceptional Airsoft guns. I am not a gamer but a collector. My interest is not necessarily FPS, Joule and playability. Rare, unusual, old and special airsoft replicas interest me. My mother tongue is German and not English, so forgive my mistakes in word and language.