Animal, here are cute cat videos and funny cats

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Just another proof of the cat superiority! The cat is like "Just what is it you're supposed to be doing?". Such poise! Such dignity! We guess she found the puuurfect place for naps! Unscripted and fabulously hilarious! They say Cats rule for nothing!! Well, what happened? Did Pixel get his bed back eventually? Kitty didn't look like she was going anywhere! And she doesn’t look scared of the dog at all! Why should the cat be scared? It's bigger than the dog! Besides, that's a calico cat! Calicos are notorious for being the most stubborn, independent, stand-your-ground cats in the world. They are not easily impressed or intimidated! Poor little doggy, he just wants to take nap! This precious video is what the Internet was made for! There are some people out there who believe that animals are just ordinary creatures but the truth is the animal kingdom never ceases to amaze and inspire us, making us put all our differences aside! So adorable! This precious video is what the Internet was made for! There are some people out there who believe that animals are just ordinary creatures but the truth is the animal kingdom never ceases to amaze and inspire us, making us put all our differences aside! So adorable!

Cat Funny Videos

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Best funny videos channel in worldwide

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Welcome to Funny Cats channels. If you like cute and funny cats compilation , this is the channel for you. Enjoy! :). We talked about: Funny cat videos,cute cat videos, cat videos compilation . . . ------------------------------------------------------------­---------------------------- Note: Our purpose, when making COMPILATIONS, is NOT to steal other people's videos, but to share those in quality compilation with other people. If any owner of clips, used in our compilation, has a copyright issue, feel free to contact us by personal message and add title COPYRIGHT ISSUE. We will remove the clip, video or come to an agreement. Thank you. Using or sharing our compilations is allowed, so feel free to share it anywhere, but it would be nice, to use direct link of video, not of copies. Thanks.