Hello everyone, I am Masha.


I love doing all kinds of crafts and DIY projects. I never liked going to the salon getting my nails done (mostly because I rarely was satisficed with the result) and started doing my own nails and have fallen in love with the process and would like to share with you how I do them with the perspective of a beginner rather than a professional. I also sew and knit, grow house plants and have a garden. And I am doing my best to manage all that along side of being a wife and a mother of three. So I would like to share my experience with you in hopes that it helps you in your life journey relying more on your own skill rather than hiring someone else to do it for you. I hope you find my channel useful and I would love to have you as my subscriber. Thank you for visiting my channel and I will see you in the next video.

"Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra | Tibetan Buddhist Meditation"


"Immerse yourself in the profound and soothing vibrations of the 'Om Mani Padme Hum' mantra, also known as 'Thần Chú Mật Tông Tây Tạng Án Ma Ni Bát Di Hồng' in Tibetan Buddhism. This 3-hour meditation session features continuous chanting of the sacred mantra, believed to bring blessings, compassion, and enlightenment. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of meditation, this extended mantra recitation is perfect for deepening your practice, finding inner peace, and connecting with the spiritual essence of Tibetan Buddhism. Allow the harmonious resonance of these ancient syllables to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and tranquility."



JSL takes an unapologetic American view of our world. The JSL Reports are a mix of humor and earth science. They are not comprehensive, but do get to the deep underpinnings of why things happen and hopefully your belly rolling too. For us, it is about discovery. With my crew of researchers, we look at various topics learning from professors and critically stretching and testing commonly accepted ideas. Together, we unlock the worlds past, present and future, Join us!

Your source for daily UFC and MMA news 👊


Welcome you all to visit our channel UFCMMAnews This channel is focused on UFC and MMA. We want to make more and more friends all around the world and sharing positive knowledge to you all. For that, we highly appreciate your visits very much. If you like our team works, please not forget to give us even a like, comment, subscribe and the most important is pushing the ring beside to support us. Again, thanks and wish all the best for u all. Bienvenue à tous sur notre chaîne UFCMMAnews Cette chaîne est centrée sur l'UFC et le MMA. Nous voulons nous faire de plus en plus d'amis dans le monde entier et partager des connaissances positives avec vous tous. Pour cela, nous apprécions beaucoup vos visites. Si vous aimez le travail de notre équipe, n'oubliez pas de nous donner un like, un commentaire, un abonnement et le plus important est de pousser le ring à côté pour nous soutenir. Encore une fois, nous vous remercions et vous souhaitons le meilleur pour vous tous.