Moffett On Money Verified


Musings on money, finance, the markets, the economy .... due to adulting, have been driven to drink, scotch thankfully ... single malts, none of that bastardized blended stuff. ... I've lived and taught this stuff for 35 years, as a portfolio manager, derivatives trader and now Ph.D in Finance -have studied the market personally, empirically and theoretically. Had my face kicked in plenty -pain is a great educator. I have many vices, but ingratitude is not one of them and am a lucky man ... also make the most beautiful babies in the world. Lady MoffettonMoney also makes beautiful babies, at least as beautiful as mine. She made me say that.. ..

Letters To The People


The Bible itself is the greatest letter we could have ever received from God! When we put these two powerful writings together, we get policies that work for and keep in mind THE PEOPLE! This podcast aims to explore various policies that are shaping our communities, nation and culture today; the kinds of policies that are pulling this country and its people away from what the founding fathers put in place when they penned their names to a document set forth to be the foundational laws and principles that govern our land in the same way that the Bible is to govern our lives and values. Join me as we discuss the writings in the Bible that could very well help put the United States back on course to a thriving future set up for success, freedom, justice, and liberty! Blessings and Best Regards, Laketha Bobish A Voice for We The People

Rage Box - Let's Plays & Livestreams!


Hey, I'm The Box Man, A.K.A Rage Box! I do outstanding 'Let's Plays' and gameplay videos on a variety of awesomely nostalgic games! I also livestream Wed-Sat at 7p Est! Make sure to hit that bell to be notified when I go live! Every livestream is special and has a different theme to it! - Wednesdays are 'Star Wars Wednesdays' where we stream an awesome Star Wars game voted on by the community. - Thursday is the "Patreon Choice" stream. Viewers who are subscribed to my "BIG BOX" Patreon Tier can choose a game for me to stream. - Fridays are 'Final Fantasy Fridays'! I'm streaming every Final Fantasy title in order and even some spinoffs! - Saturday is "PlayStation Saturdays" where I stream a PS1 classic that is voted for by the fans! Throughout the channel there's a variety of Let's Plays, archived streams, reviews, and more! We even have a $100 giveaway every month! Have a look around and thanks so much for watching. Come join our discord: