Mr. Wolfbiter


Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet!! This channel is your ticket to a sonic voyage through my world as a DIY musician lol. The person who owns this channel is a passionate amateur at heart. My covers may have their clumsy moments, but that's precisely the way I like them. Expect most of my renditions to be raw, live takes. And who knows, one day, I might even sprinkle in some original tunes to share my own musical journey with you. (ONE DAY :/) Why do I call it a cozy corner? Well, let me share a little secret - my trusty decade-old Mac with its 120 GB of storage and Core i5 processor might not be the fanciest setup out there, the reason why i'll just dump everything here Lmao. But each upload will represents at least 1% of my effort. Whether you're here for some chill acoustic vibes or a hit of musical nostalgia, this channel's where melodies and emotions throw a party!"