JeffMAC Live Shorts


Video shorts from JeffMAC’s live shows. He strives to make the news suck a little less! Watch JeffMAC daily M-Sat on Rumble, X, Kick, Twitch (and limited time on YT). Join for the best experience. He’s built his own website, combining the best of FB, X, YT and all the others without the censorship and crying. Clips are raw and uncensored, I am not a professional video editor. I have permission to share these clips from JeffMAC. Please share out freely. These clips may not be edited or altered in any way.

Musical Compendious Jeff Burrows


My channel is about the coming together, or fusion, of guitar coming together with electronic sounds. I have been playing guitar for a long time. I play electric and acoustic. However, I also love synthesizers. I like a multitude of various musical styles including; pop, jazz, rock, blues, country, bluegrass, electronic, electronic ambient, celtic, acoustic guitar. I play with pick and fingers. This lets me freely play different style such as travis picking, hybrid picking, finger picking, alternate picking, flat picking, etc. However, I also love the sound of electronic music. My favorite guitar player is Jimi Hendrix. My favorite synthesist is probably William Orbit. I hope you like it. If you do, why don't you subscribe to my channel?