Best Apocalypse Ever


Hi, my name is Keru, I write, make videos and music to inspire people, and show them a positive future for humanity that may be closer than we think... The «Apocalypse» is the lifting of the veil, the revelation of important truths that may at last free humanity... if we're ready for it :) This channel discusses technology, philosophy, morality, evolution, and will introduce amazing people, inventions and game-changing concepts that can propell us into a brighter, co-created future. Thank you for being a part of this trip. Together, let's have the Best Apocalypse Ever!!

Dos Cervezas Por Favor


At a time when the world feels on the brink of something biblical, there’s nothing like a couple of pints with the boys to put things into perspective. Bro-down with Ken and Robbie-Eh for some barstool-philosophy from the perspective of American/Canadian transplants living in Mexico. Laugh along as they recount their hilarious struggles acclimating to life in Mexico., muse over world events too loco to be true, trade funny video clip and riff with guests in from of a live audience... You know, guy stuff.


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Discord Invite: If you are interested in joining a multi gaming community join the Ascended Community. We play dozens of games ranging from classic FPSs to survival, simulation, strategy, to world building games. Our community strives to provide a comprehensive gaming experience to include casual and competitive gaming. To be an engaging platform for members to participate in online gaming while maintaining a unique and compelling environment. We are pioneers in new opportunities for community expansion that strengthens our commitment to our values and to our most important asset, our members.

Lucha por lo que te mereces

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Motivación Diaria es un canal para ayudarte a crecer a nivel profesional y personal. Nuestro objetivo es mantenerte motivado para que puedas alcanzar tus metas y lograr tus sueños. Nos esforzamos por hacer que tu día sea mejor y que saques el mejor provecho. Es igual si estás estudiando, tienes nuevos objetivos profesionales, estás haciendo deporte o simplemente estás desmotivado, ¡te damos adrenalina para cambiar tu estado de ánimo! Aquí vas a encontrar herramientas que necesitas para descubrir, hacer tu propio camino hacia el éxito y tomar el control de tu vida. Este canal ha sido creado para personas que desean mejorar a diario y que buscan una fuente de motivación para actuar con todo su potencial. Publicamos de 3 a 4 videos por semana. ¡Suscríbete para recibir nuevos videos de motivación diario!